Last major revision: 04/03/99 --------------------------------------------- A Final Fantasy VII vidfic --------------------------------------------- TURN THE PAGE Metallica - Garage, Inc. (originally sung by Bob Seger) --------------------------------------------- On a long and lonesome highway east of Omaha [A military truck with a Shinra logo cruising down an empty road] You can listen to the engine, moanin' out his one note song [Sephiroth sits in the back, looking thoughtful] You can think about the woman, or the girl you knew the night before [At an evening party for Shinra dignitaries and military officers, a pretty young woman clutches Sephiroth's arm and gazes starry-eyed up at his face, chattering non-stop] But your thoughts will soon be wandering the way they always do [Sephiroth pointedly ignores the ditzy young woman and looks out at the darkness through the ballroom windows] When you're ridin' sixteen hours and there's nothin' much to do [Back in the truck, Sephiroth glances down at the mission briefing folder in his hands, then closes it] And you don't feel much like ridin', you just wish the trip was through [He stares out the window and on his face is a slightly weary expression] --------------------------------------------- Here I am, on the road again [A young, teenaged Sephiroth sitting in a helicopter that approaches the Shinra Building] There I am, up on the stage [He stands on a dueling ring, facing a row of older people with skeptical expressions on their faces. President Shinra, Heidegger, and other Shinra board members are recognizable. Hojo sits off to the side, eyes narrowed] Here I go, playin' the star again [Images of young Sephiroth easily defeating older, more experienced fighters in both armed and unarmed combat] There I go, turn the page [Young Sephiroth stares coldly at Hojo, then turns to follow Heidegger, leaving the displeased scientist behind] --------------------------------------------- So you walk into this restaurant, strung out from the road [Young Sephiroth enters a dining area where older soldiers sit in groups.] And you feel the eyes upon you, as you're shakin' off the cold [They all stop talking and stare at him] You pretend it doesn't bother you, but you just want to explode [Young Sephiroth's expression tightens, but he continues walking, apparently ignoring everyone else in the room] Most times you can't hear 'em talk, other times you can [The other soldiers huddle and whisper among themselves] All the same 'ole cliches, "Is it woman? Is it man?" [Occasionally a soldier will turn to look at Young Sephiroth with a lewd smirk on his face] And you always seem outnumbered, you don't dare make a stand [Young Sephiroth calmly continues to eat, but a closeup of his hand shows a white-knuckled grip on his fork] --------------------------------------------- Here I am, on the road again [Sephiroth first receiving orders, followed by images of Sephiroth leading groups of soldiers, who are no longer laughing at him, leading to images of him giving orders to increasing large groups of men] There I am, up on the stage [Sephiroth talking to senior military officers, mapping out strategy] Here I go, playin' the star again [Sephiroth making a presentation to President Shinra] There I go, turn the page [Groups of senior officers rise to their feet and salute as Sephiroth leaves the briefing room, flash to a scowling Hojo lurking in the background] --------------------------------------------- Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away [Sephiroth is alone on the battlefield as a screaming mob of enemy soldiers head toward him, but his face is composed, his expression distant] Every ounce of energy, you try to give away [A glowing aura of power manifests around him, then he blasts the people attacking him] As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play [Sephiroth now has a predatory smile on his face as he ruthlessly cuts a path of destruction through his opponents with both sword and magic] Later in the evening, as you lie awake in bed [Sephiroth sprawls on a sofa in a dark empty room and stares at the ceiling] With the echos of the amplifiers, ringin' in your head [Images of large explosions amid flying bolts of fire, ice, and lightning] You smoke the day's last cigarette, rememberin' what she said [Image of a horribly injured young woman lying on the battlefield, blood pouring from her mouth and her face distorted in hatred as she screams something at Sephiroth] --------------------------------------------- Here I am, on the road again [Quick sequence of images where Sephiroth makes his shattering discovery at the Mount Nibel reactor, followed by his frenzied search through the basement library, and ending with Sephiroth swiftly stalking through the halls of the Shinra Mansion] There I am, up on the stage [Sephiroth standing on the stairs above the town of Nibelheim] Here I go, playin' the star again [Frightened townspeople stare nervously at a coldly smiling Sephiroth as reddish flames begin to erupt around him] There I go, turn the page [Image of Nibelheim, full of burning wreckage and corpses. Sephiroth watches impassively, then turns and disappears into the flames] --------------------------------------------- Here I am, on the road again [Sephiroth strides purposefully toward the Mount Nibel Reactor] There I am, up on the stage [Up on the stairs leading to Jenova's chamber, Sephiroth cuts down Tifa] Here I go, playin' the star again [Sephiroth stands in front of the exposed form of Jenova, his arms outstretched as Zack stares in disbelief] There I go, turn the page [An injured Zack catches up with Sephiroth on the catwalk. Sephiroth turns and drives Masamune through Zack's body] --------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:E