Last revised: 07/14/2002 Completed: 07/14/2002 [fic] Just Rewards (Gravitation/Saiyuki fusion)(teaser, rough draft) SUMMARY: Long ago, great sins were committed and great sacrifices were made. Now it's time for those karmic debts to be paid, but in a way no one ever imagined. And who says that the cosmos lacks a really perverse sense of humor? ^_- This is one seriously twisted fusion fic, so be prepared to have everything you know about the series and the characters to be ruthlessly bent, spindled, mangled, or otherwise turned upside down and inside out. It's also a COMEDY (supposed to be, anyway). Unfortunately, the reader needs to be pretty familiar with both series to get the most out of it. Sorry about that. ^_^;;; I'm still trying to get familiar with the Gravitation fandom so any C&C greatly appreciated! It's still just a rough draft, so please excuse the typos or other stupid mistakes. ====================================================================== Title: Just Rewards Author: Madamhydra Email: Status: WIP (work-in-progress) Archive: (eventually) Type: Alternate Universe, TWT (timeline, what timeline), humor Rating: R (for now) Spoilers: the entire Gravitation and Saiyuki series and manga Pairings: Yuki x Shuuichi, others (you'll see ) ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** Obscene language Mature themes (possible references to abuse, rape, etc.) YAOI (male/male relationships) LIME (implied sexual content) ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* Disclaimer: (Full Disclaimers at the end) Gravitation and Gensomaden Saiyuki are the copyright and property of their respective creators and legally associated parties. Used without permission. Not for profit. Credit: Thanks to my friend Amy-chan's fault, who keeps egging me on, no matter how crazy, demented, and perverted my fic ideas get. Also, many thanks to Sakka-chan, for all the encouragement. (...) represents internal dialogue ====================================================================== JUST REWARDS A Gravitation / Saiyuki fusion fic by Madamhydra ====================================================================== teaser ====================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hate the world today You're so good to me, I know, but I can't change Tried to tell you, but you look at me like maybe I'm an angel underneath, Innocent and sweet Yesterday I cried, Must have been relieved to see the softer side I can understand how you'd be so confused I don't envy you I'm a little bit of everything, All rolled into one I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed, I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between, You know you wouldn't want it any other way * * * Just when you think You got me figured out The season's already changin' I think it's cool You do what you do And don't try to save me -- "I'm A Bitch" -- by Meredith Brooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ====================================================================== [ time & place - unknown ] Beautiful. That's what he thought every time he saw that hair. And every time he saw it, he ached to touch it, run his fingers through it, grab and hold it close to his heart.... Moving carefully so as not to wake the sleeper, he reached out and timidly stroked a few stray wisps of golden hair spread across the pillow. He could swear that the silky strands felt warm against his fingertips, as if they had been spun from pure sunlight. People would probably think it strange that someone who was such a cold, mean, short-tempered bastard at times could always remind him of the sun. Sure, he got hurt at times, but wasn't that the way with the sun? Sometimes merciless and even cruel, but other times, surprisingly comforting and gentle. In its own way, of course. You just had to take the bad with the good. Caught up in his thoughts, he got a little careless and... pulled. His lover -- that concept still boggled his mind -- turned his head just enough to glare at him, then growled, "What the hell did you do that for!? And what are you doing with that stupid look on your face?" He hastily scooted back out of easy reach and chuckled nervously. "Oh, nothing. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up!" "Hmph." He watched as the older man rolled over onto his side and turned his back to him. With a faint sigh, he started to get off the bed, but suddenly a steely grip clamped down on his wrist and hauled him back down. As he landed face first on the mattress, he heard the other mutter, "Quit being a pest and go to sleep!" He grinned happily and scampered under the covers. He snuggled up against his grouchy lover and took the opportunity to nuzzle his face against that wonderfully soft golden hair. He provoked a disgruntled noise from the other man but nothing more dire. He soon fell asleep and dreamt about holding the blazing sun in his arms. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- [ modern day Tokyo ] When the discovery of an ancient ruined palace in India made headlines around the world, Yuki Eiri ignored it. Three weeks later, when the report of murdered archaeologists and looted artifacts hit the news, Yuki Eiri ignored that, too. The author of bestselling romance novels had much more important things on his mind like a rapidly approaching book deadline, a nearly hysterical editor he had never worked with before -- why the hell did his usual editor have to go on maternity leave NOW, for god's sake! -- and a certain dimwitted, yet curiously lovable pink-haired rock star. On this particular morning, he was tired, cranky, his back ached, and he was feeling more pissed off than usual. As for Shuiichi, the hyperactive brat had been bubbling over the possibility of working on a song with his idol Ryuuichi Sakuma -- not just an impromptu duet, but a true collaborative work from start to finish. Unable to stand the delighted squeals and hyperactive bouncing any more, Yuki had simply scooped up the litter of half-completed lyrics lying all over the coffee table, dumped them into Shuiichi's arms, then shoved both the songster and the songs out the front door. Blessed silence. A nice long swig of cold beer, a fresh cigarette, and soon the only sound in the room was the rapid patter of fingers dancing across the keyboard. An hour or so later, Yuki reached for a sheet of quotations he had carefully noted down for use in the final chapter of his book. His fingers found nothing. Finally taking his eyes off the screen, he glared around his workspace. Still no paper in sight. His cigarette tilting upward at a dangerous angle, Yuki stood up and began to systematically search the room, with no success. Yes, he could've probably reconstructed most of the quotation from memory, but that wasn't good enough. He wanted his notes, damnit! Where could that miserable scrap of paper be? It didn't just grow legs and walk out of the apartment.... "Shit!" Shuuichi had it. And with his lover's 'gift' for losing things, especially bits of paper.... Yuki grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the apartment. ------------------------------------------------- Shuuichi breezed into the studio waving a shopping bag. "Look what I found!!!" he crowed triumphantly and began rummaging around in the bag. Hiroshi raised an eyebrow and said indulgently, "And what would that be?" "This!" Shuuichi said, enthusiastically shoving something white and soft into Hiroshi's face. "Hey....!!!" Taken off guard, the guitarist instinctively recoiled, tripped over an amplifier, and landed hard on his butt amid a clatter of mike stands. And since there was no telling what sort of crazy thing Shuuichi would think of next, Hiroshi hastily peeled the soft white object off his face -- just in case it was alive -- and got his first good look at it. It was a dragon... an adorable white dragon plushie, complete with wings, four dainty legs, a long serpentine body, and bright ruby eyes. Hiroshi stared at it speechlessly. Shuuichi perched precariously on the amplifier and said, "And it makes the cutest sounds, too! Give it a squeeze, Hiro!" The guitarist gazed blankly at the white plushie that rested in his hands so perfectly. He was dimly aware of his friend bouncing up and down on the amp in excitement. Finally, he gave the stuffed dragon a gentle squeeze.... .... and nearly dropped it when it uttered a soft "Jiip!" In one of his sudden switches of mood, Shuuichi leaned forward and said seriously, "Do you like it, Hiro?" "It's... it's wonderful. And adorable." "Then you can have it. Think of it as an early birthday present or something." "Wha...? You bought it for me?" Hiroshi said a bit incoherently. Shuuichi gave his friend a sheepish grin and said, "Well, actually I was planning to give it to Yuki. But there was just something about the way you...." He shook his head. "Yuki really isn't into stuffed toys, and... I don't know, but it just seems to suit you perfectly. So how about it? You want it?" With a faint smile, Hiroshi said, "I do. Thanks." "Just one thing." The pink-haired singer reached out, plucked the dragon plushie out of Hiroshi's grasp, and plopped it carefully on the guitarist's right shoulder. "There you go!" Shuuichi said, looking very pleased with himself. "Perfect! So what are you going to call it?" "Call it?" "C'mon! It's gotta have a name!" "Hmmm...." Standing in the doorway, the newly arrived Suguru watched the scene with growing annoyance as Shuuichi bombarded Hiroshi with all sorts of silly suggestions. Finally, the vocalist said brightly, "How about Jeep? I mean, that's the sound it makes." "NO WAY." Both Shuuichi and Hiroshi twitched and whipped their heads around to give the keyboardist a startled look. Suguru flushed slightly, then said, "How about something with a little more dignity, okay?" Shuuichi simply looked blank. Then again, as far as Suguru could tell, the vocalist had no concept of the term 'dignity'. "Really? Do you have any suggestions?" Hiroshi said, looking decided amused. "I don't know... like... like...," the keyboardist frowned, then blurted the first thing that popped into his head, " Hakuryuu." "Isn't that a big name for such a little dragon?" Shuuichi said a bit dubiously. Hiroshi reached up his hand and gently stroked the little white plushie perched on his shoulder. It fit perfectly, its long tail curling around his neck, while its body nestled between head and shoulder as if it had always belonged there. "No, it's perfect." Then with a smile, the guitarist turned to the stuffed toy and said playfully, "What do you think, Hakuryuu?" ------------------------------------------------- Sakano entered the studio just as Hiroshi lifted his head toward the stuffed toy perched on his shoulder. For a moment, time seemed to freeze for Sakano and an overwhelming sense of deja vu stole his breath. As if in slow motion, he watched as the guitarist casually started to brush the hair back from his left ear. The tension grew as the long strands drifted oh so slowly away from the ear, revealing.... ... nothing. Sekano's knees nearly buckled as the world seemed to snap back into focus. Really, what on earth had he been expecting to see? Something shiny on Nakano's ear? Several shiny somethings? Ridiculous. How silly. His imagination was playing tricks on him. Sekano shook his head sharply, primly straightened his tie, pushed up his glasses, and marched purposefully toward the members of Bad Luck. ------------------------------------------------- Mika wasn't one for prowling antique shops, but when an old classmate from her highschool returned to Japan for a few days, she agreed easily enough to accompany the other woman on a shopping trip for some antiques. As her friend searched for that perfect vase for her new home, Mika wandered aimlessly around the store, peering into packed curio cabinets and display cases. Just as she was about to leave the store, something caught her attention. It sat deep in the shadowy depths of one of the cabinets, nearly hidden from view. Reaching carefully, she pulled it out and stared at the hand carved hair comb that lay in a small wooden box lined with faded red silk. The comb was devoid of decoration, but had the patina and smoothness of many years of use. Despite the comb's obvious age, she could still detect the faint scent of sandalwood. Turning to the store owner, Mika held the comb up between two fingers and said, "How much?" "Ah, a fine item. Superb craftsmanship and...." "How much?" she repeated, sounding almost bored. The shop owner stated a price that made Mika raise her eyebrows. She smiled coolly and retorted, "It's not made of gold, you know. For that matter, what *is* it made out of?" "Bone, I believe, although I don't know what type. But as for the price, you have to understand this hair comb was once the property of a great and powerful empress," the owner replied smoothly. Mika was not impressed. She coolly said, "That's all very nice, I'm sure. An item with that sort of background would certainly be worth a great deal." She paused, just enough to raise the owner's hopes, then said with a slight smirk, "But unfortunately, it seems that you have no proof of its provenance. I'm not paying that much for mere rumors." The store owner sighed and gave her a lower figure that was still outrageous by any normal standards, but Mika merely dropped the comb back into its box, handed both to the owner, and reached for her credit card. Once outside the story, her high school classmate said, "It's a pretty comb, to be sure, but what are you planning to do with it?" Mika tucked the small box into her purse and murmured, "Oh, I don't know." She then paused, then said with a soft chuckle, "Maybe I'll ask Tohma to comb my hair out with it." At that exact moment, several blocks away in the N-G building, Tohma Seguchi suddenly felt a sharp chill race down his spine. He choked and spit out his tea, spraying it all over the unfortunate Noriko. K, safely out of the line of fire, snickered and wolfed down a large, steaming meat bun. ------------------------------------------------- The slumbering young man stirred restlessly before his eyes suddenly snapped open. He stared at the ceiling for a long moment before silently getting out of bed. With his familiar companion tucked in the crook of one arm, he casually sauntered out of the bedroom, through the penthouse's spacious living area, and out onto the balcony. He stared out over the city, taking his time to leisurely scan the horizon. He then reached down, grasped the stuffed rabbit slung over his left arm, and held it up before his eyes with both hands. The pink bunny doll gazed back at him placidly with its shiny black button eyes. His lips quirked upward in a sly little grin. "A different time. A different place. A different life. A *very* different life. But fascinating how certain things somehow never seem to change." The bunny's head flopped forward slightly, as if nodding in agreement. He chuckled softly, then said musingly, "I wonder if I'm the only one to return." The head of the stuffed toy bobbled sharply from side to side. "Apparently not, hm? I have a feeling that things will become very interesting, very soon. I'm looking forward to the... fun." Suddenly, the sharp, penetrating eyes went blank, as if someone had hit a switch inside the young man's head. A few seconds passed, then he blinked twice, then looked around with a dazed expression on his face. "Wha... what am I...?" His confused, nervous gaze finally settled on the pink bunny rabbit, still firmly held in both hands. "Kumagoro... what am I doing on the balcony? I don't remember walking out here...." The rabbit made no answer. He stared down at the stuffed toy, then tightly clutched it to his chest, trying to use the familiar presence to fend off a uncomfortable surge of anxiety. Ryuuichi Sakuma had never walked in his sleep before. ------------------------------------------------- (end teaser) ===================================================================== Author's Notes: For those who are confused or haven't quite figured out who's who, here are my casting notes: Shuuichi Shindo <-> Goku Eiri Yuki <-------> Sanzou Hiroshi Nakano <--> Hakkai Suguru Fujisaki <-> Hakuryuu (Jiip) / Goujun Sakano <----------> Gojyo Tohma Seguchi <---> Kougaiji Noriko Ukai <-----> Yaone K <---------------> Lirin Mika Seguchi <----> Gyokumen Koujyu Tatsuha Uesugi <--> Dokugakuji .... aaaaand...! Ryuuichi Sakuma <-> Nii Jieni And before anyone complains, the casting was done for dramatic and comedic effect so they're a combination between matching similar characters (e.g., Shuuichi-Goku, Yuki-Sanzou) and matching DIS-similar characters (e.g., Sakano-Gojyo). Also, Goujun is a character from the Saiyuki Gaiden -- he's the white Dragon King of the West, who's rather a stiff, prim, and humorless sort of individual. It is my (and others') theory that Hakuryuu is somehow the reincarnation of this guy. ^_- Yes, I'm E-VIL, especially to poor Ryuichi. The rabbit made me do it! ------------------------------------------------- Keeper of Duo's Dark Side ~~~ Duo no Seishi Saitoh no Koibito ~~~ Corruptor Extraordinaire ------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:E ------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== The Full Disclaimer All names, likenesses, and rights of Gravitation are trademarks, copyright, and property of Murakami Maki and legally associated parties. All names, likenesses, and rights of Gensomaden Saiyuki are trademarks, copyright, and property of Minekura Kazuya, Enix, and legally associated parties. The characters and associated materials of these works are used WITHOUT permission for the purpose of entertainment only. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit. Original portion of the fiction included here is considered to be the sole property and copyrighted to the author. =====================================================================