Completed: 09/10/01 Last Revised: 01/02/01 [fic] Addicted to Love [NC-17][2/?] (repost)(draft) This is a repost of Part 2 of my Saiyuki smutfic. This was originally posted on Sept 11, and it probably (and quite understandably) got buried in all the ensuing chaos and turmoil. Anyway, since I finished Part 4, I thought it might be helpful to repost the earlier parts. I apologize if I end up flooding people's mailboxes. SUMMARY: Sanzou's got a slight problem. Okay, make that a serious problem. Like a bad case of malaria, Sanzou's got a 'fever' that just won't go away.... Author's Excuse... err, Note: I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the Saiyuki fandom so any C&C greatly appreciated! It's still just a rough draft, so please forgive the occasional typo or other stupid mistake. Since this is supposed to be a bit of a darkly funny smutfic with a plot, so please be prepared for a wee bit of OOCness. Title: Addicted to Love Author: Madamhydra Email: Status: WIP (work-in-progress) Archive: Type: Alternate Universe, Dark Comedy, Smutfic Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: basically the whole series Pairings: Kougaiji x Sanzou, eventually almost everyone x Sanzou ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** Violence Obscene language Mature themes (references to semi-nonconsentual sex, etc.) YAOI (male/male relationships) LEMON (explicit sexual content) ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** Disclaimer: (Full Disclaimers at the end) Gensomaden Saiyuki is the copyright and property of its creator and legally associated parties. Used without permission. Not for profit. Credit 1: Thanks to my friend Sakka-chan, who got both me and Amy-chan addicted in Saiyuki AND Saiyuki smut. Many thanks to Joy and everyone else for all the helpful comments and suggestions on this fic! Credit 2: Belated thanks to Jeanne, her fics (especially her retelling of the DJ "Animal Pleasure" and her fic "Transformation"), and the terrific writeup of the characters on her website. I'd also like to credit to Anne Bishop's "Black Jewel" series. ^_^ (...) represents mental and/or subconscious dialogue /.../ represents other types of non-verbal dialogue ====================================================================== Addicted to Love A Gensomaden Saiyuki ALTERNATE-REALITY fic by Madamhydra ====================================================================== Part 2 ====================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your lights are on, but you're not home Your mind is not your own Your heart sweats, your body shakes Another kiss is what it takes You can't sleep, you can't eat There's no doubt, you're in deep Your throat is tight, you can't breathe Another kiss is all you need You like to think that you're immune to the stuff It's closer to the truth To say you can't get enough, You know you're gonna have to face it You're addicted to love You see the signs, but you can't read You're runnin' at a different speed You heart beats in double time Another kiss and you'll be mine * * * Your lights are on, but you're not home Your will is not your own Your heart sweats, your teeth grind Another kiss and you'll be mine * * * Might as well face it You're addicted to love -- "Addicted to Love" -- by Robert Palmer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ====================================================================== As Hakuryuu hovered anxiously overhead, Hakkai walked up to Gojyo and asked anxiously, "Have you found anything?" "Nope, not a bloody trace of Sanzou. Where the hell is he!?" Gojyo muttered in frustration. "Damn, where did those fucking youkai take him?" "Hey, guys! Over here!" came a shout through the trees. "Goku? You find something?" Gojyo yelled back, as he and Hakkai raced toward Goku's location. "Yeah! I think so! This way!" ------------------------------------------------- Kougaiji abruptly sat up and slammed his fist against the ground. "Damn that bitch! She knew what the antidote was all along! No wonder she made that snide comment about doing 'whatever's necessary' to save Lirin!" He paused for a moment, thinking hard, before rising to his feet. Turning to Dokugakuji, he said, "I want you to find something I can use to restrain Sanzou." He thought a moment, then under his breath, he muttered, "Get me a gag. A really *big* gag." As Dokugakuji set off on his errand, Yaone asked tentatively, "Is... is that really necessary, Kougaiji-sama?" Her cheeks were still deeply flushed with embarassment. Kougaiji glanced over at her and said sourly, "Oh yes. It will definitely be necessary. Judging from my earlier attempt to talk to him, I don't think Sanzou is capable of rational thought. It'll be like dealing with a wild animal. He won't understand that I'm only trying to help him. All he knows is that I'm invading his personal space...." (....and his person.) He clenched his fists, but then abruptly opened his hand and stared thoughtfully at his fingernails. He kept them long and sharp for combat, but if he was going to be wrestling around with Sanzou.... "Kougaiji-sama?" "Yes?" Yaone hesitated, then said, "Is there any... furniture inside the shed?" He raised an eyebrow and said, "No. It's basically bare, with a cement floor." (And a few metal rings on the walls....) "Then perhaps I should also get a blanket or bed pad? For when you...." Her voice trailed off. "That's a good idea. And pick up anything else you might consider useful, as long as it doesn't take too long," he said distractedly, waving her on her way. ------------------------------------------------- As he waited for Dokugakuji and Yaone to return, Kougaiji spent the time trimming his nails short as he reread the scroll that Gyokumen provided. Not that he thought Yaone had made any careless mistakes in translating the archaic script -- she was far too meticulous for that -- but he wanted to see the information himself and perhaps get a better idea of what he would be facing. The situation didn't look promising. If the scroll's information was accurate, Sanzou was undoubtedly half-crazed with lust already, and his condition would only worsen as time passed. (Until his mind and/or his body snaps from the stress.... Unless I do something and do it quickly.) He glanced worriedly at the shed, which remained almost ominously quiet. (It's no wonder that Sanzou's nearly mad with rage and frustration. To lose control of oneself like this.... Any normal person would resent being in this sort of situation, but for someone like *him*, it must be absolutely intolerable....) Sanzou presented an intriguing enigma. He was undeniably a part of his little group and yet oddly separate. Perhaps Sanzou's air of isolation came from being the lone human among youkai, but something told Kougaiji that wasn't the only reason for Sanzou's aloofness. It could very well be that Sanzou simply had a cold nature, but that answer didn't feel right, either. However, the reasons for Sanzou's behavior were irrelevant. The important thing was that his personality would make the process of 'curing' Sanzou extremely difficult. He wasn't looking forward to the next few hours. ------------------------------------------------- The wait felt like an eternity, but only fifteen minutes passed before Dokugakuji returned and dumped a bagful of items in front of him. Kougaiji reached into the tangle of straps and buckles and pulled out a pair of wrist cuffs that looked perfect for the particular task at hand. Raising a curious eyebrow, he asked, "Where did you get all this in such short notice?" "The local brothel." Dokugakuji replied blandly. "It appears that some of their clients have exotic tastes. Oh, and the gag's in there, too." Kougaiji smothered a sour laugh, then said, "It makes sense, I suppose." He thoughtfully ran his fingers along the supple black leather of the restraints, then tugged sharply to test their sturdiness. "It'll do." Dokugakuji scratched the back of his head and said, "Ummm... do you need my help? To get him restrained, I mean!" he added hastily. "If Sanzou's going to be so difficult to handle...." Kougaiji shook his head sharply. "No. This whole situation is humiliating enough as it is. At least I can spare him the indignity of having someone else see him in that condition." He felt an odd shiver at the thought of Sanzou naked, shackled and helpless, writhing in uncontrollable lust... the sleek, wiry body arching upward under his touch... his control.... Kougaiji blinked, then fought to suppress a flush as he hastily shoved the thought aside. Aloud, he said, "Your presence will simply enrage him more. It won't be easy, but I think I can manage by myself." Dokugakuji glanced around and asked, "Where did Yaone go?" "She went looking for a few more items. She should be back soon." "Have you considered moving Sanzou to somewhere more... comfortable?" Kougaiji muttered, "And how do you suggest we get him there? Besides, there's not much point, is there? He's in no shape to care about his surroundings. And time is more important than aesthetics. The sooner we start, the sooner it will be over... I hope. I don't know how much more he can take before permanent damage occurs." He glanced around impatiently. "If you say so. But what if something happens and you... um, need help?" Dokugakuji said with a slight frown. "I'll find a way to let you know," Kougaiji replied drily. Yaone ran up to them, carrying what looked like a thick bedcover or comforter. "I'm sorry for taking so long, Kougaiji-sama," she panted. "Don't worry about it." As Kougaiji continued to thoughtfully pick his way through the assortment of straps, cuffs, and other similar items in the bag, Dokugakuji asked, "Have you considered just knocking him unconscious and... doing what you have to." He paused, then added, "You... errr, *do* know what to do with a guy, right?" Kougaiji gritted his teeth and muttered tersely, "Of course I know what do with another male!" When he observed the startled looks on Yaone's and Dokugakuji's faces, Kougaiji flushed and said irritably, "My father made sure THAT part of my education was quite thorough, thank you!" "Oh," they chorused, both looking rather embarrassed. "As for knocking him unconscious, that would be fine if I only had to have sex with him once," he growled, "But that's not the case, is it, Yaone?" "N-no, Kougaiji-sama. Once... will definitely not be enough," she stammered, nervously clutching the comforter. Dokugakuji asked, "Just how long is this 'cure' supposed to going to take?" Yaone shrugged helplessly. "I am not sure. As long as it takes to Kougaiji-sama to... neutralize... the drug's effect. If Sanzou-san was given the entire dose in the flask.... It could take hours." Dokugakuji dropped his head into his hand and sighed. "Wonderful. Just wonderful." With a frown, Kougaiji said, "If that spell keeps draining Lirin at its current rate, I think we have another day or so before her situation become critical, so we have a little leeway to work with. Not much, though. Unfortunately, we don't know how long it'll take for Sanzou to recover even after the damn drug wears off." Yaone said, "While you're busy, I'll keep monitoring her condition...." "No. Find someone reliable to handle it. I need both you and Dokugakuji here," he replied curtly. "But...." He gave them a grim stare. "Since I'm going to have my hands full with Sanzou, you get to deal with Sanzou's companions. Or have you forgotten about them?" "Oh dear, that's right. They certainly won't abandon him and they're not the sort to give up, are they?" she said. "We've been lucky so far, but I'm sure they'll eventually track us down. Your task is to keep them from interfering with Sanzou's... 'cure'. I don't care how you do it -- talk to them, lure them away, subdue them -- whatever it takes, as long as they're not seriously injured in the process." "Terrific." Dokugakuji muttered, rolling his eyes. "I can just imagine trying to explain all this to them." "Tell me about it. However, that's your job. Be creative." Kougaiji grimaced. "I've got a different set of problems to deal with." Gathering up the comforter and the bag of restraints, he stalked off toward the shed. As Kougaiji reached for the door, Yaone ran up to him and touched his arm. She struggled visibly for the right words, then finally said, "Kougaiji-sama...." "Yes? What is it?" Blushing furiously, she handed him a small jar. "What's this?" Kougaiji asked curiously, examining the container. "It's for... when you actually... to ease the... um, penetration," she mumbled faintly as she stared down at her feet. "Human tissues are considerably more delicate... especially down *there*." "Ah." The corner of his mouth quirked upward. "I'd forgotten about that. Thank you, Yaone." "If you... need anything...." He gave her a gracious nod, then stepped into the darkness of the shed. The door closed behind him with a decisive thud. ------------------------------------------------- Outside the shed, Yaone and Dokugakuji stared at each other uncomfortably. She said tentatively, "I want to give Kougaiji-sama as much privacy as possible, but...." "Yeah. I know what you mean. But we should stick around. Just in case." He glanced around the deserted clearing. The other youkai had been sent away to guard the perimeter and were well out of earshot. They moved away several yards away and settled down to wait. Suddenly, Yaone hunched her shoulders and blurted, "This... this is disgusting!" He gave her a startled look, unused to hearing such a critical statement from the normally quiet Yaone. "It really bothers you, doesn't it? Kou having sex with Sanzou, I mean." She jerked her head up and gave Dokugakuji a flustered look. "Of course it bothers me! It bothers me that he *has* to have sex with anyone! If only...!" She halted abruptly and slapped her hand over her mouth. As Dokugakuji watched her with sympathetic eyes, Yaone shook her head slowly, then gave him a wistful, rather forlorn look. "But... but it's not my place to make such a judgment, is it? Kougaiji-sama has every right to choose whomever he pleases as a bed partner." Yaone went silent for a moment, then added, "It's just that... there's no *choice* here! It would completely different if both Kougaiji-sama and Sanzou-san wanted to have sex. Even if it was Kougaiji-sama's desire alone...." She clenched her fists and cried, "But neither of them truly want this! That's what makes this situation so degrading, for both of them!" There was a long silence, then Dokugakuji looked away and said softly, "I know, Yaone. I know." ------------------------------------------------- Gojyo prodded the wounded youkai in the throat with the crescent end of his staff and said, "Where's Sanzou?" "Wah.. what?" the dazed youkai mumbled. "The human priest, you moron!" Gojyo kicked the youkai lightly in the ribs. "Where did you take him?" "I don't know what you're talking about...." "Excuse me, but how do you explain having this in your possession?" Hakkai stuck the cold barrel of Sanzou's gun in the youkai's ear and cocked it, smiling genially all the while. "O-oh, *that* human. N-n-now I remember!" the youkai said with a nervous chuckle. "See how one's memory improves when you try?" Hakkai said pleasantly. "Keep going." "Lord Kougaiji has him!" Hakkai and Gojyo exchanged startled glances. "What the fuck are you talking about, you dipshit?" Gojyo growled, poking the youkai hard enough to draw blood. "We were just obeying Lord Kougaiji's direct orders! He told us to find this Sanzou person, and capture him!" "So where is he now?" "I-I-I don't know...." When he saw Hakkai's eyes narrow, the youkai yelled, "I swear it's true! Our troop leader gave the priest something to keep him quiet and carried him off to Lord Kougaiji. I don't know where! Look, I'm telling you all I know!" "You can do better than that! You have to have *some* idea where they went!" Gojyo snapped. "Y-y-yeah.... The boss headed off toward the south, toward the town! That's all I know!" the youkai whined. "Please don't kill me! I don't wanna die...!" Gojyo snorted in disgust and knocked the blubbering youkai unconscious. He glanced at his companion. The smile didn't fool him one bit -- Hakkai was decidedly pissed off. "So, whatcha think? Is he telling the truth about Kougaiji being responsible?" "It seems somewhat plausible, but I'm puzzled about why," Hakkai said, his unnerving smile easing slightly. "What troubles me is his comment about keeping Sanzou quiet. He's probably been heavily drugged." "Well, you can hardly blame them. Sanzou is a royal pain in the ass under normal circumstances. I can imagine what a pissed off handful he'd be as a hostage." Hakkai chuckled quietly. "That's very true." "Yo! Monkey boy! Get your butt over here!" Gojyo bellowed. Goku plunged out of a nearby stand of trees. It was an indication of his concern over Sanzou that he didn't start up his usual name calling routine with Gojyo. Instead, he simply said, "Any news?" "This guy said that Kougaiji's behind it." "Huh? I mean, I can understand sending assassins after us, but why kidnap Sanzou?" Goku muttered, scratching his head. "It doesn't seem like the guy's usual way of operating, but who knows?" Gojyo said with a shrug. Hakkai said, "The youkai we questioned said that Sanzou was taken toward the town to the south. "Then what are we waiting for!?" Goku shouted and ran off into the trees. "You brainless ape! It'll be a hell of a lot quicker if we drive!" Gojyo yelled after him. As he held his arm out for Hakuryuu, Hakkai shook his head and said, "He's really worried about Sanzou. It's better to let him to burn off some of that excess energy. Otherwise, he's liable to drive both of us crazy with his fidgeting." Gojyo grimaced at the thought and muttered, "Good idea." ------------------------------------------------- As soon as he entered the shed, Kougaiji attempted to pinpoint Sanzou's location. Even though Sanzou's black underclothing made the monk difficult to see against the dark stone walls in the dim light, finding him turned out to be relatively simple. All Kougaiji had to do was listen to the shallow, clearly audible panting sounds that hinted at a terrible physical tension. Kougaiji found that tension contagious as he carefully deposited the comforter and other items near the door, where they would hopefully be out of the way. His own breathing quickened slightly in anticipation for the battle to come -- because that's exactly what he faced. Sanzou was not going to surrender meekly to his ministrations. (Surrender? Fight me tooth and nail would be more like it,) he thought morosely. Killing an opponent was easy, but trying to capture an opponent alive and relative unhurt was much more difficult. He was considerably stronger and faster than Sanzou, but in this situation, the difference in physical strength would actually work to his disadvantage. He rarely fought humans and he wasn't certain just how much force the human body could take without serious injury. He would have to remind himself to be careful. Unfortunately Sanzou wouldn't be operating under similar restrictions. There would be no question that the monk would be going all out. With that in mind, Kougaiji made one final attempt to talk Sanzou into some semblance of cooperation. "Sanzou...." A thrown stone whizzing past his skull was his only answer. So much for words. He tucked the wrist cuffs through his belt to keep them readily at hand, then began a stealthy advance. As he closed in on Sanzou's location, he caught a faint rustle as the other man started to move. Kougaiji pounced first. He landed on top of Sanzou and got a vicious elbow in the stomach as his reward. Kougaiji gasped sharply but shrugged off the pain, more intent on gaining control of his opponent. He got a grip on one wrist, but missed the other hand as he twisted aside to avoid getting a knee slammed into his groin. Sensing, rather than seeing, the swing of Sanzou's free arm, Kougaiji hastily jerked his head back. It turned out to be a fortunate move as the razor-edged stone shard in Sanzou's right hand nicked his collar bone and came within a hair of ripping his throat open. (What the HELL...!?) Kougaiji instinctively kicked out to avoid another wild slash, sending Sanzou hard into the wall. As he watched the other man stagger stubbornly to his feet, Kougaiji wiped at the blood trickling down his bare chest and cursed himself for misjudging both Sanzou's ingenuity and his strength of will. (Even in that condition, he's still fighting. He's still trying to resist the effects of the drug....) From outside, he heard Yaone's muffled shout coming through the heavy metal shutters. "Kougaiji-sama!?" Like a wild animal caught at bay, Sanzou tensed and started to turn toward the new sound. (No! They mustn't come in here. If he feels truly cornered, he just might turn that weapon against himself!) "Stay out!" he yelled back at her, even as he took advantage of Sanzou's momentary distraction and lunged, grabbing for the other's right hand. He succeeded, but now he had the problem of getting Sanzou to release his grip on the dagger-like sliver of rock without breaking or crushing a fragile human wrist. Kougaiji slammed Sanzou's hand hard against floor, but Sanzou continued to cling stubbornly to his weapon, ignoring the way the sharp edges sliced into his own palm. Kougaiji choked back a startled yelp as Sanzou used his free hand and grabbed at his hair. What came next was no playful tug but a deadly serious attempt to rip both hair and scalp off Kougaiji's skull. But he merely winced and continued to concentrate on disarming Sanzou. Human nails were nowhere as long and sharp as youkai nails, but Sanzou's fingernails did a perfectly adequate job of leaving behind rows of bloody scratches as he raked and clawed at any part of Kougaiji he could reach. As they continued to wrestle back and forth, Kougaiji could only be grateful that Sanzou was apparently too disoriented to use his martial arts training against him. Finally, he managed to shake the sharp sliver of rock out of Sanzou's right hand and send it skittering off into the darkness, which allowed Kougaiji the chance to gain control of Sanzou's other hand. In an effort to keep the other man from kicking or kneeing him, Kougaiji flung himself across the other's chest, holding him down with the weight of his body. For an instant, Sanzou froze as they lay chest to chest, face to face, their mouths almost touching. This close, Kougaiji could see the gleaming violet eyes beneath golden eyebrows with almost eerie clarity. Sanzou's lips parted, almost invitingly, then abruptly contorted in a vicious snarl. Kougaiji jerked back as Sanzou went for his throat -- literally, as strong white teeth snapped shut just short of his windpipe. Ignoring the inarticulate growls, snarls, and hisses of rage, Kougaiji rolled Sanzou over onto his stomach and knelt on his back as he reached for the wrist binders. He pinned down one of Sanzou's hands above his head and started to fasten a cuff around it, but in the process, he was forced to relinquish his grip on the other wrist. Kougaiji grimly endured the ensuing flurry of wild punches and swings until he finished securing the first wrist and managed to recapture Sanzou's free hand, securely cuffing it as well. Holding Sanzou's bound wrists above his head, Kougaiji took a brief moment to catch his breath and think about what he was going to do next. True, he had Sanzou partially restrained, but the other man wasn't anything close to being subdued, as indicated by Sanzou's unceasing attempts to twist free of his grip. This simply wasn't going to work. All the effort of the last few minutes had left him bruised, bloodied, frustrated, and the idea of having sex with a totally uncooperative Sanzou left him with a disgusted, dirty feeling. (Well, now I know that the idea of rape doesn't turn me on in the slightest. I suppose that's something,) he thought with a sigh. Keeping a firm grip on Sanzou's hands, Kougaiji bent over to check Sanzou's pulse. But the light touch of his fingers against the bare skin just below the jawline made Sanzou suddenly freeze in mid-curse and... quiver, almost like a plucked string. Kougaiji abruptly realized that he had been going about the problem in entirely the wrong manner. Sanzou was torn between by two overwhelming, but incompatible needs. He was going out of his mind with drug-induced lust, but Sanzou's need for control, especially over his own body, was nearly as strong as his craving for sex. Given only two choices -- to fuck or to fight, Sanzou had naturally chosen to fight. By converting all the lust he felt into pure physical aggression and berserker rage, Sanzou managed -- barely -- to keep his sexual cravings at bay. As long as he was out for blood, Sanzou didn't have to think about how badly he wanted to be fucked. It was the only defense Sanzou had left against the overwhelming demands of his own body. (And I'm going to have to take that last bit of control away from him...,) Kougaiji thought unhappily. Yes, it would be easier on Sanzou's dignity to allow him to fight all the way, but the time spent wrestling with Sanzou was precious time wasted saving Lirin. He could sympathize with Sanzou's dilemma, but this was a fight he had to win, by fair means or foul. With renewed determination, Kougaiji grabbed a handful of silky blond hair and pulled Sanzou's head back slightly. "Don't... don't... touch me...," Sanzou hissed faintly, his voice shaking. "So you're finally ready to talk, hm?" Kougaiji murmured. He bent down until his lips were almost touching Sanzou's neck and hovered there, breath stirring a few stray strands of golden hair. "Stop... it...." The unmistakable flicker of panic in Sanzou's violet eyes told Kougaiji that his new tactic was definitely working. "Sorry, but I can't afford to do that," he replied huskily, then leaned even closer and deliberately ran his tongue along the edge of Sanzou's ear. Sanzou gasped and tried to jerk his head away, but Kougaiji simply tightened his grip on the other's hair. He continued to lavish Sanzou's ear with sucking kisses and teasing nibbles even as he ignored Sanzou's increasingly frantic and wild attempts to free himself. After a moment or two, Kougaiji lifted his head to evaluate the results of his efforts. He wasn't disappointed. The intense violet eyes were quickly becoming glassy and unfocused. And as the unthinking rage drained away, Sanzou's ability to resist the merciless cravings of his own body went with it. "I don't... want this. I... don't want... this. I... do NOT... want... THIS!!!" Sanzou choked out, as if he was chanting some obscure mantra, but it was unclear if he was trying to convince Kougaiji or himself. Kougaiji found himself growing hard as Sanzou's lean body twisted and bucked against his in a futile attempt to escape. Sanzou's earlier resistance had left him feeling simply annoyed and frustrated, but this... this was very different. Perhaps it was Sanzou's growing desperation. Perhaps it was the sense of impending victory -- the knowledge that he was now unmistakably in control of both Sanzou and the situation -- that stirred dark, predatory instincts in his soul. Whatever the reasons, Kougaiji now found Sanzou's struggles most definitely arousing. A little shocked at his own feelings, Kougaiji tried to shake off the growing sense of intoxication. He hissed back into Sanzou's ear, "What you want doesn't matter any more. The only thing that matters is what your body wants... what it *needs*. And unfortunately, I'm the only one who can satisfy that need. If I don't do this, you'll die!" "Then fucking... let me die... you bastard!" Sanzou choked out. "Better than having... some filthy stinking youkai... pawing and screwing me over!" "I can't do that! The only way to save my little sister is to keep you alive and sane, and if I have to fuck you over and over again to do that, I will! You've got absolutely no choice in this, so just deal with it!" Kougaiji growled back, his own patience starting to become dangerously frayed. Violet eyes glittered hostilely in the dim light. "Enjoying... all this? Typical youkai... haven't found... enough human women... to rape today?" Sanzou hissed nastily, trying to use the anger to fight his way free of the erotic haze smothering his mind. Stung by the accusation, Kougaiji snapped, "I'm NOT enjoying this situation! If you think I'm doing this because I want to...!" Sanzou's lips pulled back in a malicious sneer. "... or are you... just following... that bitch's orders... like a good... little puppy dog?" Kougaiji growled, suddenly fed up with the humiliation of the whole situation, Sanzou's ingratitude -- however understandable -- and other sundry frustrations. He hooked his left arm around Sanzou's throat and yanked him upon his knees so that Sanzou's back now rested against his chest. At the same time, Kougaiji shifted his weight backward to pin Sanzou's lower legs to the floor to prevent the other man from kicking at him like a wild horse. And with his other hand, Kougaiji reached for the front of Sanzou's pants. ------------------------------------------------- Normally, bound hands wouldn't have done much to hamper Sanzou's ability and willingness to commit bodily mayhem, but all thoughts of resistance instantly evaporated as Kougaiji placed a hand over his throbbing, aching groin.... and stroked. ------------------------------------------------- Kougaiji pressed the palm of his right hand over the bulge between Sanzou's legs, feeling the heat, the hardness. Sanzou jerked back from the caress with a low cry, shoving his butt neatly into Kougaiji's rapidly developing erection. He then futilely tried to escape the unmistakable pressure against his rear by lunging forward, but the thrust of his hips only brought Sanzou's own erection back in contact with Kougaiji's hand. He allowed Sanzou a few more futile bucking motions, but in the end, Kougaiji had Sanzou exactly where he wanted him, firmly trapped between his erection and his hand. Sanzou had nowhere to go. As Kougaiji continued to stroke Sanzou's crotch through the heavy fabric of the jeans, he shoved his own hips forward, grinding his own erection hard into the cleft between Sanzou's buttocks. Sanzou uttered a strangled, choking moan, arching and tossing his head back. The body pressed against his abruptly stilled and became rigid, shuddering ever so slightly. Sanzou's violet eyes stared vacantly toward the ceiling as his mouth opened. The lips moved silently, but Kougaiji didn't need to hear the words to know what Sanzou was trying to say. 'No....' Under different circumstances, Kougaiji would have admired Sanzou's refusal to surrender. But for some reason, the human's stubbornness only served to aggravate him and made Kougaiji even more determined to break Sanzou's last remnant of resistance. (If he's this sensitive with his clothes on....) He didn't bother to try unbuttoning Sanzou's pants, but simply tore them open and yanked them down to expose dark cotton briefs. Kougaiji lightly scraped his freshly trimmed nails over the thin fabric encasing Sanzou's throbbing genitals, and was rewarded with the sight of Sanzou's head lolling helplessly back against Kougaiji's shoulder. "Oh, you liked that, don't you?" Kougaiji purred darkly, nuzzling the nape of Sanzou's neck, enjoying the salty taste of sweat on the blonde's skin. Sensing that Sanzou was no longer capable of resistance, Kougaiji pulled his arm from Sanzou's throat and slid his left hand up underneath the snug black fabric of the high-necked shirt to toy with Sanzou's nipples. Sanzou groaned faintly as Kougaiji's right hand left his groin just long enough to peel away his briefs, leaving Sanzou's genitals fully exposed. "," came a barely audible whisper. "Liar," Kougaiji growled back, as he used both tongue and teeth to explore the enticing expanse of shoulder left bare by Sanzou's sleeveless shirt. "You want this. You *need* this. Quit fighting and just admit it, you stubborn fool." "I... I... want...?" Sanzou frowned uncertainly and his voice faltered as he seemed to lose track of his thoughts. (Almost there, aren't you? I want to hear you say it.) Kougaiji pulled Sanzou's tense, shaking body more firmly onto his lap as he trailed his fingertips around Sanzou's scrotum. "Ahhhh...!" Kougaiji smirked as he wrapped his hand around Sanzou's cock and began stroking in earnest. ------------------------------------------------- Carelessly spinning Sanzou's crown around his finger, Gojyo looked down at the battered youkai at his feet and drawled, "Nice piece of headgear you've managed to pick up." "Unfortunately it should be returned to its rightful owner. Would you happen to know where he would be?" Hakkai asked politely as a ball of light hovered in the palm of his hand. "Wha... wha...?" An agonized scream rang out from the neighboring woods before it was abruptly cut off by a loud crunch. "Oi, better talk before the ape boy gets back from chasing down your buddies. He's mightily pissed off at the moment," Gojyo said with a nasty smirk, prodding the youkai with his foot. ------------------------------------------------- Sanzou gasped and arched his back, nearly screaming in frustration as the friction from Kougaiji's hand on his cock only added to the heat and hunger consuming him. It wasn't enough, but at the same time, it was too much. He wanted it to stop. Please make it stop. He couldn't stand any more of this. His mind was coming apart... dissolving... melting from the heat... the pressure.... But he couldn't escape the feel of Kougaiji's hands, damned youkai hands that were winding him tighter and tighter... winding him up like a damn toy.... Bastard. He vaguely heard the gasps, whimpers, moans escaping his lips, but couldn't hold them back. He had hoped for the mercy of oblivion, to pass out into unknowing darkness, but it hadn't happened. Touching himself had only made things worse. In the increasingly rare moments of lucidity prior to Kougaiji's appearance, he had realized that whatever was happening to him was too well designed to allow such easy ways out. ....those hands... fucking bloody filthy stinking youkai hands making him feel so good... so hot... making him mew like a broken animal for more.... He growled in near mindless frustration as something hot and hard pressed against his rear. He knew what it was. He knew where he wanted it to be. Not just rubbing him on the outside, but *inside him*... deep inside him, as far as it would go. "You want to be fucked, don't you?" came the whisper into his ear. Yes, yes, and thrice damned YES. He just didn't care any more. He wanted to be touched... filled... used... anything to stop this hunger that was worse than pain, worse than death. Screw dignity, screw pride, screw self-respect. He would *beg* to become Kougaiji's bitch if that's what it took to stop this pleasure/pain/need ripping him apart.... "Fuck me, damn it!" he screamed. ------------------------------------------------- (end Part 2) ===================================================================== Author's Note: I've altered certain factual details of Saiyuki to better suit my plot (thus the "Alt-Reality" label). In the manga, Sanzou and the others are not yet aware of Empress Gyokumen's involvement. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------- Keeper of Duo's Dark Side ~~~ Duo no Seishi Co-Keeper of Duo's Scythe & Bat Wings (w/ Death) Co-Keeper of Little Grim Reaper Duo (w/ Kitsune) Saitoh no Koibito ~~~ Corruptor Extraordinaire ------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:E ------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== The Full Disclaimer All names, likenesses, and rights of Gensomaden Saiyuki are trademarks, copyright, and property of Minekura Kazuya, Enix, and legally associated parties. The characters and associated materials of these works are used WITHOUT permission for the purpose of entertainment only. The author of this work claims no ownership, part or whole, of the original plot and characters. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit. All original portions of this work is considered to be the sole property and copyrighted to the author Madamhydra. No part of this work is to be reproduced, altered, or adapted in any way without the author's express permission. =====================================================================