Completed: 09/10/01 Last Revised: 01/02/01 [fic] Addicted to Love [NC-17][3/?] (repost)(draft) This is a repost of Part 3 of my Saiyuki smutfic. This was originally posted on Sept 11, and it probably (and quite understandably) got buried in all the ensuing chaos and turmoil. Anyway, since I finished Part 4, I thought it might be helpful to repost the earlier parts. I apologize if I end up flooding people's mailboxes. SUMMARY: Sanzou's got a slight problem. Okay, make that a serious problem. Like a bad case of malaria, Sanzou's got a 'fever' that just won't go away.... Author's Excuse... err, Note: I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the Saiyuki fandom so any C&C greatly appreciated! It's still just a rough draft, so please forgive the occasional typo or other stupid mistake. Since this is supposed to be a bit of a darkly funny smutfic with a plot, so please be prepared for a wee bit of OOCness. Title: Addicted to Love Author: Madamhydra Email: Status: WIP (work-in-progress) Archive: Type: Alternate Universe, Dark Comedy, Smutfic Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: basically the whole series Pairings: Kougaiji x Sanzou, eventually almost everyone x Sanzou ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** TWT (timeline, what timeline) AU (alternate universe) Violence, Obscene language Mature themes (references to semi-nonconsentual sex, etc.) YAOI (male/male relationships) LEMON (explicit sexual content) ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** Disclaimer: (Full Disclaimers at the end) Gensomaden Saiyuki is the copyright and property of its creator and legally associated parties. Used without permission. Not for profit. Credit 1: Thanks to my friend Sakka-chan, who got both me and Amy-chan addicted in Saiyuki AND Saiyuki smut. Many thanks to Joy and everyone else for all the helpful comments and suggestions on this fic! Credit 2: Thanks to Jeanne, her fics (especially her retelling of the DJ "Animal Pleasure" and her fic "Transformation"), and the terrific writeup of the characters on her website. I'd also like to credit to Anne Bishop's "Black Jewel" series. ^_^ (...) and {...} represent mental and/or subconscious dialogue /.../ represents other types of non-verbal dialogue ====================================================================== Addicted to Love A Gensomaden Saiyuki ALTERNATE-REALITY fic by Madamhydra ====================================================================== Part 3 ====================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your lights are on, but you're not home Your mind is not your own Your heart sweats, your body shakes Another kiss is what it takes You can't sleep, you can't eat There's no doubt, you're in deep Your throat is tight, you can't breathe Another kiss is all you need You like to think that you're immune to the stuff It's closer to the truth To say you can't get enough, You know you're gonna have to face it You're addicted to love You see the signs, but you can't read You're runnin' at a different speed You heart beats in double time Another kiss and you'll be mine * * * Your lights are on, but you're not home Your will is not your own Your heart sweats, your teeth grind Another kiss and you'll be mine * * * Might as well face it You're addicted to love -- "Addicted to Love" -- by Robert Palmer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ====================================================================== "Fuck me, damn it!" Sanzou screamed, as his bound hands clawed wildly at thin air. "Oh, I will," Kougaiji growled in Sanzou's ear, a triumphant grin curling his lips. And with that, he shoved the half-naked monk away, leaving him shivering on his hands and knees. Kougaiji rose to his feet and returned to the items that he had so carefully laid aside a short time ago. Spreading the comforter out with a flick of the wrist, he picked up Sanzou up by the waist and dumped him almost carelessly onto the padding. He stared down at the human who lay at his feet, shaking and writhing in uncontrollable lust. Given Sanzou's current condition, additional restraint hardly seemed necessary, but the idea of Sanzou in chains was too enticing to ignore. Retrieving a long, sturdy length of chain from the bag Dokugakuji had given him, Kougaiji pulled Sanzou's bound wrists over his head and used the chain to fasten them to one of the heavy metal rings on the walls. After securing Sanzou's hands, Kougaiji proceeded to strip the other man bare, leaving only the arm-warmers. Instead of simply ripping Sanzou's clothes to shreds, Kougaiji took his time, peeling them off slowly, one by one, tearing them only when necessary. Removing the shirt gave Kougaiji ample opportunities to explore Sanzou's upper body. Kougaiji paid special attention to searching out the most sensitive areas -- nipples, undersides of arms, along the neck.... And with his arms stretched over his head, all Sanzou could do was submit to Kougaiji's slow, cruelly arousing caresses. As he removed Sanzou's jeans and briefs, Kougaiji allowed his hands to linger over the other man's hips, thighs, calves. And when the monk tried to spread his legs wide, Kougaiji gripped Sanzou's knees and firmly held them closed, watching with appreciative eyes as the other man thrashed and arched madly in frustration. "Fuck me! Fuck me NOW!" Sanzou hissed wildly. "When I'm ready. And not before," Kougaiji murmured, wallowing in an unexpectedly giddy rush of victory. He was vaguely aware he was drunk -- drunk on power, drunk on anticipation.... He settled his weight on Sanzou's thighs, pinning them to the ground, and bent forward to teasingly lick one of Sanzou's nipples, then the other. He felt Sanzou jerk and moan beneath him as he allowed the hard bulge of his own erection to teasingly rub Sanzou's exposed genitals. As he continued to play with Sanzou's nipples, he allowed his hands to wander freely over the sleekly muscled torso. Human skin was... different. Felt different. Smelt different. Tasted different. Kougaiji couldn't say how, but it was. Perhaps it was some subtle difference in its chemistry, or perhaps it had to do with its inherent fragility compared to youkai skin, but now he could understand why some youkai could not get enough of humans. And in Sanzou's case, beneath that smooth, silken skin, there was steely muscle. Nothing compared to youkai muscle, of course, but much stronger than it looked. "But all the strength in the world couldn't help you now, can it?" Kougaiji cooed into Sanzou's ear. He had half-pictured sex with Sanzou as a distasteful, clinical sort of procedure. But now he knew differently. He was looking forward to sheathing his cock deep within Sanzou's delectable ass... but only after he finished a thorough exploration of Sanzou's navel. ------------------------------------------------- Instead of relief, the pressure kept building and the emptiness inside him kept growing. Sanzou wanted to scream -- for help, for mercy, anything -- but couldn't remember how. Something deep inside his head began to give way... breaking... cracking ever so slowly into razor-edged shards that tore and cut, hurting him even more as they tumbled and fell.... ------------------------------------------------- "My... mind...." Kougaiji suddenly froze in mid-lick and lifted his head at the abrupt change in Sanzou's voice. The anger and defiance were gone, replaced by an unmistakable hint of fear. "My mind... hurts... it... *hurts*...." Sanzou gasped in something very close to an outright whimper, closing his eyes tightly as if trying to block out some agonizing pain. The faint, quivering words acted like an icy slap in the face for Kougaiji, jolting him out of his predatory trance. (What the *hell* am I doing!?) he thought, both stunned and appalled at his own behavior. (This isn't a game! I'm supposed to be *curing* Sanzou's problem, not making it worse!) As he lunged to his feet and hastily stripped off his remaining clothing, Kougaiji's thoughts kept racing. (Sanzou stopped fighting me. That's what I wanted, right? So why did I keep pushing him? What *more* do I want from him!?) He could see that tension now gripping Sanzou's body had less to do with sexual arousal and more to do with agony, and not just the physical kind. Kougaiji frantically hoped that he hadn't caused Sanzou any irreparable harm with his stupidity and lack of self-control. There was no time to waste on apologies or reassurances. Not that Sanzou was in any condition to listen to him. In his current condition, Sanzou probably couldn't remember his own name, much less comprehend anything Kougaiji said to him. Immediate action was in order. Kougaiji hastily opened the jar Yaone had provided and liberally coated his erect member with the cool gel. He turned Sanzou over onto his stomach, then hoisted his hips into the air, wincing as Sanzou twitched and moaned faintly as if he found the touch of Kougaiji's hands unbearable. He dabbed more of the slick gel around Sanzou's rear opening, then took a firm grip of the other's waist. But even as he started to carefully slide his throbbing penis into Sanzou's body, Sanzou suddenly thrust his hips backward and impaled himself fully on Kougaiji's penis in a desperate quest for relief. For an instant, Kougaiji could do nothing. He was distantly aware of the soft cries and gasps coming from the man writhing under him, but he was too caught up in the exquisite heat and tightness of Sanzou's ass around his cock. Finally, he grabbed hold of Sanzou's hips and forced him to stop moving just long enough for his head to clear somewhat and take control of the situation. Despite Sanzou's best efforts, Kougaiji's superior strength allowed him to set the pace, although it took him both hands to do it. He started slowly, then gradually increased both the frequency and the depth of his thrusts. Sanzou's resistance quickly dissolved as the rhythm and the resulting pleasure took him over. Whatever his mind might be doing, Sanzou's body had surrendered completely to Kougaiji's control. He led and Sanzou responded, pure and simple. Freed from the need to restrict Sanzou's movements, Kougaiji wrapped his hand around Sanzou's rigid cock. He had barely touched it when Sanzou arched back against him and ejaculated, splashing hot seed over Kougaiji's fingers. But to his surprise, Sanzou's erection did not fade, but instead seemed to grow even harder. As Sanzou uttered a low wail of despair and frustration, Kougaiji finally understood how insidiously well-designed the drug was. Sanzou could ejaculate, but he could not come. He was trapped on the very brink of orgasm, utterly incapable of achieving it and the relief he so desperately needed unless Kougaiji permitted his semen to enter Sanzou's body. The drug had turned Sanzou into a plaything, a toy... one completely dependent on Kougaiji's whim for not only his sexual gratification, but also his life and sanity. And to Kougaiji, that realization was both horrifying and inexplicably arousing. The next thing he knew, he was coming hard, emptying himself into Sanzou's fevered flesh with a hoarse cry. A few seconds later Sanzou echoed that cry as his body finally achieved the release it had been desperately seeking. Their bodies still locked together, they collapsed in a shuddering heap onto the comforter. For several moments, Kougaiji's mind remained blank, wandering in a daze of utter physical gratification as he rested on top of Sanzou's sweat-slick back and tried to catch his breath. Finally he dragged his head up and found himself gazing over Sanzou's shoulder at the other man's profile, entranced by what he saw. With that shimmering, sun golden hair and those brilliant violet eyes, Genjo Sanzou was stunningly attractive by any standard, human or youkai, and would have been a jewel in any youkai's collection or harem. That physical beauty was especially apparent now as Sanzou lay sprawled wantonly under Kougaiji, his sexual hunger at least temporarily sated and completely stripped of his usual mental and emotional defenses. However, he felt a sharp shiver of unease when Sanzou slowly opened his eyes. Those eyes, usually so calculating and shrewd, were devoid of anything except profound bliss and contentment as they gazed blankly off into the darkness. "Sanzou?" Kougaiji said in an anxious whisper, hastily lifting himself off the monk's back and rolling him over in order to get a better look at Sanzou's face. To his relief, there was a brief flicker of awareness in those violet eyes, but it faded almost immediately as the movement of Kougaiji easing himself out of Sanzou allowed pleasure to reassert its control over the monk's mind. Feeling the stickiness on his cock, Kougaiji started to wipe the semen off with his hand when he recalled what Yaone had said. (Orally as well....) With that same hand, he tentatively reached out and lightly brushed it against Sanzou's lips. Responding to the gentle coaxing, Sanzou opened his mouth and with the fastidiousness of a cat, began to lick the semen off Kougaiji's fingers, slowly at first, but with rapidly increasing enthusiasm. To his surprise, Kougaiji found himself hardening simply from the feel of Sanzou's tongue trailing over his fingers and sliding between them in pursuit of every last drop of Kougaiji's seed. Sanzou then began to nuzzle the palm of Kougaiji's hand in an unmistakable plead for more. And even as the heat in his own body soared, Kougaiji saw the haze of contentment in Sanzou's eyes transform into the sharp glitter of renewed lust and desire. ------------------------------------------------- Yaone pressed a cool, damp cloth to her flushed cheeks and wondered if she would ever be able to stop blushing. The thumping noises had been bad enough, but when the 'Fuck me!' and the other 'sounds' had started.... (But if it's embarrassing for me, imagine how it must be for poor Kougaiji-sama. Oh, this wretched situation is SO sordid!) She glanced over at Dokugakuji, who was trying his best to look blasˇ about the whole thing. However, she had caught him blushing a few times, too. Yaone twitched as yet another hoarse, passionate cry drifted out of the shed. ------------------------------------------------- Although his hands were still chained over his head, Sanzou didn't need them to make his desires clear to Kougaiji. For a moment, he simply lay there on his back, eyeing Kougaiji with blank, lust-glazed eyes, then he suddenly lunged upward to latch his mouth onto Kougaiji's throat. However, causing Kougaiji harm was apparently the furthest thing from Sanzou's mind -- if he was thinking of anything at all. Instead, Kougaiji shivered in steadily mounting arousal as Sanzou lightly scraped his teeth across Kougaiji's skin, then planted a long, sucking kiss just above his carotid artery, almost as if he was trying to absorb Kougaiji's very essence into his being. Kougaiji had given Sanzou a taste of the wonderous pleasure he could bestow, and now Sanzou hungered madly for more. Pleasure became his obsession, turning him into a shameless creature obsessed with sensation. It utterly dominated his thoughts, such as they were, and his entire being. Completely taken over by the needs of his body, nothing else mattered to him. Sanzou now understood what he wanted and he was prepared to do anything necessary to get it. As Kougaiji panted hoarsely in his ear, Sanzou tenderly licked the sensitive blood-reddened mark he had created. Unable to use his hands, Sanzou used every other part his body to entice and excite Kougaiji -- mouth, chest, torso, hips, groin, legs, and every inch of skin he could bring in contact with Kougaiji's body. Sanzou undulated against him, slowly gyrating his hips, rubbing their erect members together, and in the process exhibiting the same intensity and ruthless determination that he normally displayed in combat and so many other activities. As Sanzou's lips slowly worked their way up his neck to the line of his jaw, somehow Kougaiji found himself kneeling between Sanzou's legs and unable to remember exactly how he got in that position. But when Sanzou strained upward, lips parted in a silent plead for a kiss, Kougaiji slid his fingers into the soft golden hair and lowered his own head, all too happy to oblige. Sanzou's mouth, so usually pursed in a scowl or a frown, eagerly welcomed the feel of Kougaiji's long youkai tongue deep within his mouth and even his throat. But even the intimacy of that invasion was not enough. Sanzou flung his legs over Kougaiji's shoulders and spread himself even wider, blatantly inviting Kougaiji to enter him. Sanzou's efforts to excite Kougaiji were amply repaid as Kougaiji plunged deep into Sanzou's ass without hesitation and began to thrust hard. ------------------------------------------------- Yaone wretched her attention away from the shed and spun around as a distant crash in the woods and the flying body of one of their men heralded the arrival of Sanzou's companions. (Shit, he looks *mad*,) Dokugakuji wryly observed as he watched Gojyo stalking across the clearing. It was perfectly understandable, of course. He would have been just as pissed off if Kougaiji had been the one missing. And the other two appeared just as pissed off as Gojyo. Cho Hakkai was smiling as usual, but the subtle twist to the lips, combined with the chill stare from his dark green eyes, gave Hakkai's usual bland, pleasant expression a decidedly sinister edge. He said mildly, "Hello. It seems that Sanzou's wandered off, not entirely by his own volition. We were wondering if you might know where he might be?" Dokugakuji sighed and said, "If you've come this far, you already know the answer to that question." Goku angrily swung his nyoibou into a ready position and yelled, "Where's Sanzou!?" He sniffed sharply and said, "I know he's here! And Kougaiji, too! Shit!" Observing the sudden alarm on Goku's face, Hakkai said quickly, "What's wrong?" "I smell blood and it's not from those youkai we just fought!" Goku growled as his gaze settled on the lone structure in the area. Yaone ran forward and shouted, "Wait! Let us explain....!" Goku ignored her and charged toward the shed, but found his way blocked by Dokugakuji. "Outta my way, asshole!" "Not until you listen to what we have to say!" Goku unleashed a battle cry and swung, only to have his blow blocked by Dokugakuji's sword. For a brief moment, they strained against each other, neither willing to back down, then Dokugakuji suddenly twisted to the side. Caught momentarily off balance, Goku went down with Dokugakuji on top of him. Pinning the youngster to the ground, Dokugakuji yelled, "Cool it for a moment and give us a chance to explain what the hell's going on!" "Get the hell off me!" Gojyo swaggered up and smirked darkly at his brother. "Explain? This better be fucking good." As Goku nearly succeeded in bucking him off, Dokugakuji hastily said, "Kou isn't responsible for Sanzou's kidnapping! That's not his style!" Hakkai said coolly, "Before today, I would have been inclined to agree with you. But if what you say is true, then you surely won't mind if we talk to Sanzou and ask him for his version of all this." "Uh...." "Or is there some problem with that?" Hakkai said in a tone of silken menace. "Please! You don't understand the situation!" Yaone said urgently. "How so, if may I ask?" Hakkai replied with deceptive mildness. "Kougaiji-sama didn't order Sanzou-san's kidnapping. Someone used our lord's name to trick some of his men into abducting Sanzou-san! He can't talk to you because... because...," she said hastily, but her voice suddenly faltered. "Because he was heavily drugged by the kidnappers. Isn't that right, Yaone?" Her shoulders sagged as she whispered, "Actually it's... it's much worse...." Gojyo stiffened and yelled, "What the hell do you mean by THAT!?" Her fumbling explanation was interrupted as a hard punch from Goku sent Dokugakuji staggering into her. Scrambling to his feet, Goku again started for the shed, but this time it was Hakkai who held him back with a firm grip on his shoulder. "Hakkai!" "Wait a moment, Goku. Let her finish." "But Sanzou's...!" "I think we need to know exactly what's going on before we do anything rash." Goku stared up at Hakkai, trust in the other's instinct for the truth warring with his own protective impulses. Finally, he glared at Yaone and Dokugakuji and growled, "If you're trying to jerk us around.... If *anything* bad happens to Sanzou because of this, you guys are DEAD. Got it!?" She nodded somberly. Placing a hand over her heart, she said, "I swear that this is the truth as I know it -- that neither we nor Kougaiji-sama mean Sanzou-san any harm. I swear on my own life AND on my honor." "Heh. What can I say when a pretty girl acts so serious?" Gojyo drawled with a crooked smile, resting his staff on his shoulder. Goku merely grunted -- it was unclear whether he was agreeing or disagreeing -- but he remained where he was, fidgeting impatiently. Hakkai gave her a polite nod, then said, "Please continue, Yaone-san." She gave Dokugakuji a nervous glance, then plunged into her explanation. "It was never Kougaiji-sama's intention to kidnap Sanzou-san. All he wanted to do is find Sanzou-san and arrange a truce." "Why?" "Because Sanzou-san is the only person who can save Lirin-sama from a slow, agonizing death. At this moment, she's trapped within a magical seal which is draining her lifeforce. That seal can be only broken by the holiest and most powerful of holy men." "And the only one you guys could think of was that bad-tempered son of a bitch monk?" Gojyo said with a crooked grin. "Man, Kougaiji really must be desperate!" She glared at him. "Whatever his personality faults may be, he's still a Sanzou, a priest of the highest rank, and therefore Lirin-sama's best chance of rescue!" Before things could get more heated, Hakkai coughed and quickly said, "You were saying something about the situation being much worse. How so? Am I correct in assuming that it has something to do with the drug that Sanzou was given?" She gave him a miserable nod and said, "The youkai who captured Sanzou-san thought they were merely giving him a sedative." "But obviously it wasn't. What *did* they give him?" Hakkai said, a faint chill returning back to his eyes. She took a deep breath. "It's... it's an extremely powerful aphrodisiac!" "WHAT!?!?" Hakkai and Gojyo shouted in unison, staring wide-eyed at her. "Huh?" Goku's baffled gaze switched back and forth between Hakkai and Gojyo, taking in their stunned expressions. Finally, he grabbed Hakkai's arm and demanded, "What's wrong with Sanzou!? What did they give him!? What the hell is an aphro-whatsit!? Hakkai!" Hakkai replied in a somewhat distracted voice, "A drug that stimulates or intensifies sexual desire." "Say what?" Goku still looked a bit lost. Gojyo rolled his eyes and muttered, "It's something that makes a person really, really horny, you idiot! And they gave it to *Sanzou*, of all people!" Goku gaped at his friends and yelped, "WHAT!?!?" "Oh, NOW you finally get it, you half-witted ape!" Gojyo shouted. "Whaddya think me and Hakkai were spazzing out about!?" As Goku sputtered in outrage, Yaone resumed her explanation. "It's a youkai drug and was never meant to be used on humans! And the fools gave Sanzou-san a huge overdose!" she blurted as she wrung her hands. "Because of its potency, if he's not given the antidote as soon as possible, this drug could very easily kill him...." She bit her lower lip, then added in a much quieter voice, "Or even worse, destroy his mind." "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Goku bellowed, grabbing Yaone by the shoulders and shaking ferociously. "Then what the hell are you doing standing around out here!? Why aren't you helping Sanzou!?" She tried to reply, but was unable to do so due to Goku's shaking. It finally took both Hakkai and Dokugakuji to pry him away from Yaone so she could finish speaking. "Goku! You've got to calm down. Panicking isn't going to help Sanzou!" Hakkai said sharply. "Since his little sister's life depends on Sanzou's well-being, I'm sure Kougaiji and Yaone are doing their best to help him." Gasping heavily, she said, "Of course he would! No matter how... how *distasteful* the cure might be!" "So what the fuck is this antidote?" Gojyo said with a suspicious look. Yaone mumbled something inaudible. "What did you say?" the redhead demanded. Her face beet-red, she yelled, "I said that the only antidote is sex with Kougaiji-sama!" At that moment, the sound of a low, passionate moan drifted across the clearing. ------------------------------------------------- Gojyo's jaw nearly hit the ground as he yelped, "Are you trying to tell me that Kougaiji and SANZOU are in that fucking shed and... and FUCKING!?!?" Being all too familiar with Sanzou's aversion to being touched and the monk's general loathing for anything youkai, Gojyo's mind boggled at the idea of Sanzou doing the horizontal tango with a human female, much less a *male* youkai. And Kougaiji, of all people!? (No way! Not unless he's drunk or stoned out of his mind...!) Gojyo had a sharp sinking feeling in his gut. (Oh shit! If that Yaone is telling the truth, Sanzou basically *IS* out of his mind!) "Crap!" he groaned aloud, smacking himself on the forehead. One quick look at his brother only served to confirm his worst fears. Dokugakuji looked so damn embarrassed AND guilty that it was almost funny. Actually, it *was* funny, in a sick, perverted sort of way.... ------------------------------------------------- "You're kidding me!" Goku blurted, nearly dropping his nyoibou in shock. "Don't you think I wish it was a bad joke!? But see for yourself!" Yaone countered angrily, waving a scroll in their faces. "Shit, I can't read this chicken scratches!" Gojyo muttered, fighting his way free of several coils of paper. He turned to Hakkai, who was busily examining a portion of the long scroll. "Hmmm.... That's basically what it says. The semen of Gyuu Ma Ou or his bloodkin appears to be the only way to neutralize the aphrodisiac. And when you think about it, it makes a twisted sort of sense." Gojyo whirled on his brother and demanded, "Is all this bullshit true!?" Dokugakuji threw up his hands. "As far as I know, it is! I swear! C'mon. You think that Kou would do something *this* kooky and stupid just so he could screw Sanzou, of all people!? He's not THAT desperate for a good lay!" "Dokugakuji!" Yaone hissed in outrage. "How dare you say such things about Kougaiji-sama!?" "Where did you get this information? How trustworthy is it?" Hakkai said, hefting the scroll. Yaone hesitated for a second, then said carefully, "I... believe this information is accurate, as far as it goes. It comes from a person who has every interest in saving Lirin-sama's life. And since the only way to save her is to save Sanzou-san...." "I see," Hakkai murmured. "You wouldn't mind if we take a look at the seal on Lirin for ourselves?" "No problem. I'll take you there myself," Dokugakuji said. "It's not far from here, just at the edge of town." Gojyo and Goku exchanged wary looks, wondering if this was all a trick to lure them away from Sanzou. The redhead muttered to Hakkai, "You buying their story?" "I'm inclined to believe them. Such a clumsy, underhanded scheme sounds most unlike Kougaiji. And to use drugs to obtain sex? Kougaiji's honor and pride wouldn't stand for it," Hakkai replied. "Che. True enough," Gojyo drawled. "Go ahead and take a look at what trouble the brat managed to get herself into, Hakkai. I think I'll stick around." He waggled his eyebrows at Yaone. "And keep an eye on things." Hakkai nodded and said quietly, "Come on, Goku." "But Sanzou's...!!!" Goku wailed in protest. "I understand your concern, Goku, but if what I've read is accurate, Kougaiji is the only one who can help Sanzou right now. And our interference might make things more difficult than they already are." "Eh?" Goku said blankly. "He means that dear ole Sanzou-sama won't appreciating having an audience hanging over his shoulder while he's getting boinked, you moron!" Gojyo muttered, rolling his eyes in exasperation. Goku glared back at Gojyo. "Well, now I know why that *other* smell's so familiar. It's nearly the same damn stink you always have when you come crawling out of some poor woman's bed, you pervert kappa!" Hakkai gave Yaone a polite, respectful bow, then began to urge Goku into following Dokugakuji with little flapping motions of his hands. ------------------------------------ As he watched them head toward the town, Gojyo raked his hair away from his face and said to Yaone, "So... how long have they been at it, anyway?" His anger over Sanzou's kidnapping was rapidly being replaced by a wicked sense of amusement at the acid-tongued monk's predicament. After all, Sanzou took such pleasure in screwing around with other people's lives and minds, it was only fair that Sanzou got thoroughly screwed himself.... (I just didn't expect it to happen so literally!) "Umm... a little under two hours, I think," she mumbled. "Oh?" He leaned over toward her and leered suggestively. "And how many times have they... DONE... it so far?" Flustered, Yaone actually started counting on her fingers before she realized what she was doing. Blushing furiously, she dropped her hand and shouted, "T-T-that's none of your business, you pervert!" Gojyo gave her a sly, sidelong glance. "Well, you counted up to four before you quit. But I suppose Kougaiji's pacing himself. Sanzou-chan's got a surprising amount of stamina for a human." (end Part 3) ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------- Keeper of Duo's Dark Side ~~~ Duo no Seishi Co-Keeper of Duo's Scythe & Bat Wings (w/ Death) Co-Keeper of Little Grim Reaper Duo (w/ Kitsune) Saitoh no Koibito ~~~ Corruptor Extraordinaire ------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:E ------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== The Full Disclaimer All names, likenesses, and rights of Gensomaden Saiyuki are trademarks, copyright, and property of Minekura Kazuya, Enix, and legally associated parties. The characters and associated materials of these works are used WITHOUT permission for the purpose of entertainment only. The author of this work claims no ownership, part or whole, of the original plot and characters. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit. All original portions of this work is considered to be the sole property and copyrighted to the author Madamhydra. No part of this work is to be reproduced, altered, or adapted in any way without the author's express permission. =====================================================================