Completed: 01/02/01 [fic] Addicted to Love [NC-17][4/?] (very rough draft) SUMMARY: Sanzou's got a slight problem. Okay, make that a serious problem. Like a bad case of malaria, Sanzou's got a 'fever' that just won't go away.... Author's Excuse... err, Note: I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the Saiyuki fandom so any C&C greatly appreciated! It's still just a rough draft, so please forgive the occasional typo or other stupid mistake. Since this is supposed to be a bit of a darkly funny smutfic with a plot, so please be prepared for a wee bit of OOCness. Title: Addicted to Love Author: Madamhydra Email: Status: WIP (work-in-progress) Archive: (eventually) Type: Alternate Universe, Dark Comedy, Smutfic Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: basically the whole series Pairings: Kougaiji x Sanzou, eventually almost everyone x Sanzou ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** Violence Obscene language Mature themes (references to semi-nonconsentual sex, etc.) YAOI (male/male relationships) LEMON (explicit sexual content) ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** Disclaimer: (Full Disclaimers at the end) Gensomaden Saiyuki is the copyright and property of its creator and legally associated parties. Used without permission. Not for profit. Credit 1: Thanks to my friend Sakka-chan, who got both me and Amy-chan addicted in Saiyuki AND Saiyuki smut. Many thanks to Joy and everyone else for all the helpful comments and suggestions on this fic! Credit 2: Thanks to Jeanne, her fics (especially her retelling of the DJ "Animal Pleasure" and her fic "Transformation"), and the terrific writeup of the characters on her website. I'd also like to credit to Anne Bishop's "Black Jewel" series. ^_^ (...) represents mental and/or subconscious dialogue /.../ represents other types of non-verbal dialogue ====================================================================== ADDICTED TO LOVE A Gensomaden Saiyuki ALTERNATE-REALITY fic by Madamhydra ====================================================================== Part 4 ====================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your lights are on, but you're not home Your mind is not your own Your heart sweats, your body shakes Another kiss is what it takes You can't sleep, you can't eat There's no doubt, you're in deep Your throat is tight, you can't breathe Another kiss is all you need You like to think that you're immune to the stuff It's closer to the truth To say you can't get enough, You know you're gonna have to face it You're addicted to love You see the signs, but you can't read You're runnin' at a different speed You heart beats in double time Another kiss and you'll be mine * * * Your lights are on, but you're not home Your will is not your own Your heart sweats, your teeth grind Another kiss and you'll be mine * * * Might as well face it You're addicted to love -- "Addicted to Love" -- by Robert Palmer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ====================================================================== Sanzou was ensnared in a neverending loop of need, arousal and pleasure, with only the briefest respite before the relentless cycle started again. Occasionally he would have a few seconds of rational thought, when he could almost claw his way free of this insidious pleasure trap, but something would inevitably drag him under again. All it took was the slightest of touches or a whisper of breath across his skin. (....too... much... can't... take... this... stop....) Kougaiji's lips brushed his collarbone, and once again he was lost to sanity, swept away by a storm of irresistable passion and lust. Now, far from being interested in breaking free, he only wanted more. More sensation. More pleasure. More Kougaiji. And if that meant dragging Kougaiji down with him into that same whirlpool of sexual madness, that's exactly what he would do. Because when he wanted something badly enough, Sanzou usually managed to get it, one way or another. ------------------------------------------------- In one of the brief lulls between the seemingly endless bouts of sex, Kougaiji belatedly realized that he was no longer the one in control. Yes, he was the one doing the riding, but it was Sanzou who was setting the pace... and the pace was relentless. Only his superior youkai stamina made it possible to keep up with Sanzou's incessant pleading... no, demands for gratification. But as Sanzou sucked provocatively on the tip of his ear, Kougaiji found that he was more than eager to oblige. ------------------------------------------------- Even before he saw the building, Hakkai could sense a disturbing emptiness in the air, as if the surrounding area had been sucked dry of energy, particularly youki energy. As he, Goku, and Dokugakuji approached the structure, the 'empty' sensation grew steadily worse, the atmosphere more oppressive. The few unlucky youkai stuck on guard duty understandably stayed as far away as possible while still keeping the building in view. "Sheesh, this is creepy...," Goku muttered as he twitched his shoulders uneasily, his golden eyes darting suspiciously around the area. Dokugakuji frowned and said, "It's gotten worse." Hakkai glanced over at him and said, "You mean this draining effect?" "Yeah. Just a few hours ago, you couldn't detect it unless you were actually inside the building or someone powerful like Kou. But now, you can feel it from a good hundred yards away." "And Kougaiji's little sister is trapped inside?" "That's right." Dokugakuji reached out and pulled the door open. Without crossing the threshold, Hakkai and Goku leaned forward to take a good look inside at some sort of large meeting hall. The interior was mostly dark and bare, except for a few broken wooden benches on the floor. But in even in the dimness, Hakkai could see the faint glimmer from innumerable strands of prayer beads strung all over the room. Some dangled from rafter beams in long garland-like loops while yet others stretched tightly between walls, the floor, and the ceiling. The effect might appear chaotic and haphazard, but Hakkai had a distinct feeling that there was nothing random about this construct. Every strand and every bead had been precisely and purposefully placed. Toward the far end of the room, a shaft of brilliant light pierced the gloom and illuminated a petite female body that hung limply, suspended in midair by an intricate tangle of bead ropes and spell-inscribed scrolls. Several bodies dressed in monk robes lay crumpled at the edges of the pool of light. Hakkai said, "Can we get a better look?" Dokugakuji hesitated, then nodded. "But not much closer, though," he added, pointing to several small heaps of bone and ash that rested several yards away from the edge of the illuminated area. Goku swallowed hard and mumbled, "Whoa. Do you mean that people go 'POOF' if they get too close to that light?" "That's right. Well, at least youkai do. And don't touch any of those damn bead things, either. You'll be lucky if they only give you a nasty shock or burn." As they cautiously edged through the obstacle course of prayer beads toward the circle of blazing white light and the small youkai girl contained within, Goku said nervously, "Man, do you feel that!?" "Yes, I do," Hakkai murmured. "But it's all... all weird-like...." Hakkai knew exactly what Goku meant. (This aura of concentrated spiritual power reminds me of Sanzou using the Sutra, but there's a wrongness to it, too. Almost as if it's been warped or somehow twisted....) Inside the building, the oppressive silence was broken only by the occasional clack of beads knocking against each other and the sound of their labored breathing. Every breath took unusual effort, even though they simply walking at a slow, deliberate pace. As they moved closer, Hakkai could feel the perceptible drain on his own energy, and a corresponding increase in the twisted spiritual power that coursed through every strand of the prayer bead web. "That's... sick," Goku whispered. Hakkai couldn't agree more. In the brilliant white light, Lirin looked sickly pale, bleached of all color. Her flesh was covered with many thin cuts, apparently from the paper scrolls wound around her body. As they moved even closer, he could see that Lirin was not merely tangled in the beaded ropes, but actually pierced through, impaled on the ropes like a butterfly on a pin. Eerily, despite the paper cuts and the strands penetrating her flesh, there was no trace of blood. But definitely the most disturbing of all was the taut, drawn expression of pain on Lirin's face. She was clearly suffering. "Now I understand why Kougaiji's willing to do anything to secure Sanzou's help," Hakkai said quietly. "Yeah," agreed a very subdued Goku. Dokugakuji said grimly, "When he first saw this, Kou came damn close to getting fried in this bloody thing. If I hadn't managed to hang on to him for a moment and managed to get him calm enough to think straight, he could've ended up like those poor guys." He jerked his thumb at the heaps of charred bones littering the floor. They gazed at the trapped Lirin for a moment longer, then silently edged their way back past the gently swaying garlands of beads toward safety. Once outside the building , they all started breathing easier as they headed back to the stone shed containing Kougaiji and Sanzou. "So those beads form some sort of 'seal' that's designed to drain youkai of their energy and destroy them, and those dead monks are responsible for creating it. That much seems clear. I suppose Kougaiji's already tried to free his sister himself?" "Yup. Nothing worked. That thing just sucked up all the youki he dared to throw at it. He was afraid of hurting or killing her if he tried anything too powerful. Not to mention that the more powerful you are, the more it apparently effects you." "I can see how that presents a problem for Kougaiji. But according to you, this spell or seal could be undone by the right person. 'The holiest and most powerful of holy men', I believe you said," Hakkai said thoughtfully. "That's what the last of those crazy monks said before he died. He seemed damn pleased about it, too. I don't know if he was telling the truth, but it's the only hope we've got. Even if your friend Sanzou can't undo it, he's the closest thing to an expert we can get our hands on." "True. Sanzou might not be your typical priest or holy scholar, but he can be surprisingly knowledgeable in these matters." Goku had been unusual quiet since seeing Lirin, but he suddenly grabbed Dokugakuji's arm and said, "Okay, so that stuff about Kougaiji's sister being in trouble was no trick, and I see why he needs Sanzou's help. That still doesn't explain how the hell Sanzou ended up getting doped with this aphro-whatsit stuff!" "Look, I know it sounds crazy, but this is what happened. Kou gave his men strict orders to locate you guys. That's it -- no contact and certainly not kidnapping! However, some complete stranger apparently popped up, told a group of these guys that Kougaiji wanted Sanzou captured and told them how to do it, using that drug. Which is exactly what they did. By the time we found out what happened, it was already too late. Sanzou was pretty much out of his mind by then." Hakkai tapped his chin thoughtfully and said, "If this mysterious individual was a complete stranger, why did your men follow this person's orders?" Dokugakuji scowled. "That's the disturbing part. According to the men involved, they fell for the stranger's story without asking for the slightest bit of proof. These guys may not be geniuses, but they're usually not *that* stupid." "Implying that this unknown individual used some sort of magical or supernatural persuasion. Of course you realize that this certainly raises some troubling questions," Hakkai calmly observed. "Exactly. You know, I first thought that it was just bad luck that Lirin got caught by those crazy monks, but now I'm not so sure." "You're wondering if Kougaiji's the intended target of this rather nasty plot all along." "Yeah." Dokugakuji flicked a quick look at Hakkai and Goku. "Look, normally I wouldn't discuss stuff like this with you guys. I mean, we're basically enemies, or at least opponents. But I guess at this point, we're sorta all in this mess together. Not everyone admires Kou. You might even say that they're kinda jealous of his influence over the other youkai and the attention he's getting." "Ah. Some of the higher ranking youkai nobles, no doubt." Hakkai's lips quirked upward. "Possibly even... relatives?" Dokugakuji made a vaguely affirmative grunt, then said, "This stuff they gave Sanzou is rare. I mean, really, really rare. The regular youkai and most of the upper class guys wouldn't know this drug even existed, much less how to get their hands on it." "So, not just a secret, but a royal youkai secret. Rival nobles, disgruntled relatives, fanatical monks, mysterious strangers.... My, my, this is becoming more and more interesting." Goku grabbed his hair and yanked. "Shit! All this 'what-if' and 'maybe' stuff is giving me a headache! All I want to know is if Sanzou's gonna be okay!?" Hakkai said quietly, "I don't know." "Whaddya mean you don't know!?" Goku knew perfectly well what Hakkai meant, but he had to vent his frustration and his anxiety somehow. "It depends on why he was drugged." "Hell, even I can figure that out! To stop him from helping Kougaiji, of course!" Goku said impatiently. Hakkai shook his head sharply. "If that's the case, then why use this particularly rare and practically unobtainable drug? Why not use poison to kill Sanzou outright? It wouldn't be that hard to find one that would escape both human and youkai senses." "Maybe this guy didn't know that a way to neutralize this aphrodisiac existed," Dokugakuji said with a shrug. "Maybe they thought that giving it to a human was just as good as using poison, only a bit slower." "Perhaps. Or maybe they knew about the cure, but thought Kougaiji wouldn't or couldn't bring himself to have sexual intercourse with a human male," Hakkai countered. "In that case, whoever's responsible for this shit doesn't know Kou very well. Lirin might drive him up the wall sometimes, but there's nothing he won't do to protect her." There was a moment of silence, then Hakkai suddenly stopped walking and said softly, "Or maybe they know him too well." "What?" Dokugakuji and Goku chorused. Hakkai turned to face them. "What if this unknown stranger knew that no matter how distasteful he might find the idea, Kougaiji would do whatever was necessary to save his sister's life? This aphrodisiac was intended to work on youkai, correct? The scroll said that Kougaiji's semen can neutralize the drug in another person. That doesn't necessarily mean that Kougaiji himself is totally immune to its effects." Dokugakuji exclaimed, "Now hold it! That might be true, but Kou didn't get drugged. Sanzou did!" "Certain compounds can find their way into a person's sweat or other fluids, especially if he's been given a massive dose, as Yaone says happened with Sanzou. If this aphrodisiac is as powerful as you say, even trace amounts may be enough. And since Kougaiji's in extremely close physical contact with Sanzou at the moment...." "Shit! I never thought of that!" Dokugakuji groaned, smacking himself on the forehead. "And we left the two of them alone, with only Gojyo and Yaone around!" Goku yelled. "But the guards...." Goku glared at Dokugakuji. "C'mon! If the guy responsible *is* some powerful youkai, then those goons won't even slow him or her down! And if Hakkai's right about Kougaiji not being immune to this stuff, he and Sanzou are going to be too busy... busy doing... *stuff* to notice anything's wrong until it's way too late!" And with those words, Goku summoned his nyoibou and bolted back toward the stone shed, quickly followed by Hakkai and Dokugakuji. ------------------------------------------------- Kougaiji lightly scraped his teeth across Sanzou's nipple and felt the lean body underneath arch upwards with a gasp. He absently licked his lips, savoring the flavor of Sanzou's skin and sweat as he watched the human slowly writhing in mindless passion. The human tasted... wonderful. Temptation won and he allowed his canines to rake across the oh-so-delicate human skin. Kougaiji stared in a near-trance of fascination as scarlet blood welled up from the scratches, forming jewel-like beads even in the dim light of the shed. And as the other panted and writhed, arched and moaned, those little gems began to move and trickle, leaving behind a pattern of dark crimson lines that stood out starkly against Sanzou's pale flesh just like a beguiling tattoo.... ------------------------------------------------- Gojyo walked right up to the shed and pressed his ear against one of the shutters. "Wha... what do you think you doing!?" Yaone hissed, her eyes widening in shock. Without moving his head, he glanced at her and drawled softly, "What do you think I'm doing? Listening, of course!" "Get away from there! Have you no respect for their dignity!?" she whispered angrily. "Hell, no. Man, they're really going at it in there. Listen to 'em grunting and moaning." "What are you talking about!? That's utterly ridiculous! How dare you suggest that Kougaiji-sama would be so crass as to grunt like an animal! It must be Sanzou-san!" she hissed back at him. He grinned at her. "You think so? Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is?" Gasping in outrage, Yaone said, "You're... you're surely not suggesting that I *gamble* on something like this!" "Aw. Whatcha afraid of?" "This whole discussion is disgusting and farcical! Your hearing is obviously defective!" she retorted primly. "Hey, you don't have to take my word for it. All you have to do is listen for yourself. I'm telling you that Sanzou can't be making ALL that noise." Yaone stalked over to where Gojyo was standing and pressed her own ear against the shutter. "I don't hear anything," she muttered. "Just wait a moment. You just missed a good part. They're probably catching their breath. It's hard work, you know. They'll be starting up again real soon." "...." "Hear anything... interesting?" a low voice inquired with a raspy chuckle. Yaone jumped guiltily and jerked her head up, whacking the top of her head against Gojyo's chin. "Ouch!" they both yelped before whirling to find a heavily shrouded figure standing less than thirty yards away. (Where the hell did he come from!? Shit, I didn't notice a damn thing!) Gojyo wondered as he continued to rub his sore chin. However, he guiltily admitted to himself that it won't have been that hard to sneak up on him. He'd been concentrating on other, much more interesting things. "Maybe? And who are you to be asking?" Gojyo drawled. His casual tone hid the fact that he strongly suspected that this stranger was going to be serious trouble. "I am here... for Kougaiji," the shrouded figure rasped. "Stand aside... if you wish... to live." Yaone summoned her spear and with a flick of her wrist, brought it up to a ready position. "Never. I will not permit you to interfere with Kougaiji-sama!" "You think... you can.... stop me? A little mouse... of a female... and a mere... half-breed?" Gojyo raked his long red hair away from his face with one hand as he summoned his weapon with the other. His lips curled upward in a lazy, but decidedly nasty smirk. "Damn right." He glanced over at Yaone and winked at her. "Hell, who would have thought that I'd end up protecting Kougaiji's royal ass." Yaone didn't take her eyes off the mysterious stranger, but her shoulders twitched in annoyance. "Surely you haven't forgotten that you'd be protecting your friend as well?" she muttered. "Thanks for reminding me. Not that the stinky monk will be the least bit grateful about it," Gojyo retorted, before asking the cloaked stranger, "So. What do you want with Kougaiji?" "Isn't it blatantly obvious?" Yaone said in a tense voice. "No harm in making sure, is there?" Gojyo said with a careless shrug. "The female... is substantially... correct. I am here... for Kougaiji. Preferably... alive, but dead... if necessary. Now, while he is... most vulnerable." (Shit, this guy sounds like he just crawled out of a grave. Isn't that an encouraging thought?) Gojyo thought sourly. Yaone said, "So you were the one responsible for this scheme!" "Not personally... but close enough." "Are you the one who arranged Sanzou-san to be drugged... no, poisoned?" "Poison... yes, for a human... it would normally... be poison. But the priest... is lucky... that Kougaiji... is so... predictable." "And Lirin-sama? That was your doing, also?" Yaone demanded. ".... My l...." The shrouded figure stopped abruptly, before starting again with, "My... superior... has many... powerful... followers." But Gojyo had noted the brief pause before the stranger spoke. (And the bastard didn't really answer the question, either. That's interesting. You'd think he'd want to boast like crazy about it.) "Now... stand aside, fools... or DIE." Gojyo's eyes narrowed as a nasty suspicion popped into his head. (This guy's confident... too confident. He's only concerned about dealing with us, like he's damn sure that Kougaiji's totally out of the picture. But that doesn't make sense. Even if he's been fucking Sanzou nonstop for the last few hours, someone as strong as Kougaiji's certainly not going to be too tired to put up a serious fight, unless....) "Oh SHIT," Gojyo muttered. "What!?" a startled Yaone exclaimed. Gojyo ignored her for the moment and said softly to the shroud-enveloped stranger, "When you said that Kougaiji's at his most vulnerable, you weren't just blowing hot air, were you?" "No... indeed. Despite your... repulsive birth... it appears... you have.... some brains." "You're a fine one to talk about 'repulsive', considering you sound like you're a refugee from a tomb. Damn, that was sneaky of you." Yaone frowned at Gojyo. "What *are* you talking about?" "This guy, or his buddies, used Sanzou to poison Kougaiji. Didn't you?" The lead figure uttered a hollow chuckle at the horrified realization dawning on Yaone's face. "So it never... occurred to you... that Kougaiji would be... just as susceptible... to the drug... as any other youkai... or human? Perhaps... even more so. A foolish mistake... on your part." With a guilt-stricken expression, Yaone glanced over her shoulder at the shed. Her lips quivered slightly, then thinned, setting into a determined line as she whirled back toward the stranger. "I will protect my lord with my life!" Yaone hissed, sounding fiercer than Gojyo could remember. "Then prepare... to lose it, female. And... what of you... half-breed? Are you prepared... to acknowledge... your proper place... and to preserve your own... miserable existence?" "Back down from you? Not a fucking chance!" Gojyo retorted and raised his weapon. ------------------------------------------------- Goku, Hakkai, and Dokugakuji rounded the corner at a flat out run, then came to a skidding halt as something long and black slashed through the air and exploded the ground just in front of them. As rocks and dirt pattered down on them, three darkly shrouded figures emerged from the shadows of the trees. A sibliant voice spoke. "You sssshall not passsss." (end Part 4) ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------- Keeper of Duo's Dark Side ~~~ Duo no Seishi Co-Keeper of Duo's Scythe & Bat Wings (w/ Death) Co-Keeper of Little Grim Reaper Duo (w/ Kitsune) Saitoh no Koibito ~~~ Corruptor Extraordinaire ------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:E ------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== The Full Disclaimer All names, likenesses, and rights of Gensomaden Saiyuki are trademarks, copyright, and property of Minekura Kazuya, Enix, and legally associated parties. The characters and associated materials of these works are used WITHOUT permission for the purpose of entertainment only. The author of this work claims no ownership, part or whole, of the original plot and characters. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit. All original portions of this work is considered to be the sole property and copyrighted to the author Madamhydra. No part of this work is to be reproduced, altered, or adapted in any way without the author's express permission. =====================================================================