Last revised: 05/06/2002 Completed: 05/05/2002 [fic][TB][au] A Necessary Evil (prologue)(rough draft) SUMMARY: Six years ago, the Sakurazukamori made a Bet and marked Sumeragi Subaru as his prey. But in this mirror world, is Subaru the naive innocent that he appears, or is he hiding a terrible dark secret of his own? Does Subaru himself know the answer? And what of Hokuto and the rest of the Sumeragi clan? ^_- I'm still trying to get familiar with the Tokyo Babylon/X fandom so any C&C greatly appreciated! It's still just a rough draft, so please excuse the typos or other stupid mistakes. Title: A Necessary Evil Author: Madamhydra Email: Status: WIP (work-in-progress) Archive: Type: Alternate Universe Rating: R (for now) Spoilers: manga volumes 1-7 Pairings: Seishirou + Subaru ********** WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********* WARNINGS ********** Obscene language Mature themes (possible references to abuse, nonconsentual sex, etc.) YAOI (male/male relationships) LIME (implied sexual content) ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* Disclaimer: (Full Disclaimers at the end) Tokyo Babylon and X are the copyright and property of its respective creators and legally associated parties. Used without permission. Not for profit. Credit: Thanks to my friends Amy-chan and Sakka-chan, who keep egging me on, no matter how crazy, demented, and perverted my fic ideas get. (...) represents internal dialogue /.../ represent flashback dialogue ====================================================================== A Necessary Evil A Tokyo Babylon AU fic by Madamhydra ====================================================================== Prologue ====================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm going to take my time I have all the time in the world To make you mine It is written in the stars above The gods decree You'll be right here by my side Right next to me You can run but you cannot hide Don't say you want me Don't say you need me Don't say you love me It's understood Don't say you're happy Out there without me I know you can't be 'Cause it's no good I'll be fine I'll be waiting patiently 'Til you see the signs And come running to my open arms When will you realize Do we have to wait 'til our worlds collide Open up your eyes You can't turn back the tide -- "It's No Good" by Depeche Mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ====================================================================== As the setting sun turned the sky a bloody red, an attractive, middle-aged woman entered the rustic wooden pavilion and seated herself on the solitary cushion. She gracefully arranged the folds of her elegant kimono, then settled down to wait. Perched on the edge of a sheer cliff, the pavilion provided a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains and the valley below. However, the woman had no interest in scenery. She was there to deal with death incarnate. ------------------------------------------------- The sun finally disappeared under the horizon, and darkness settled over the mountains. With only four flickering lanterns for illumination, the woman continued to wait with the disciplined patience acquired over decades of practicing the occult arts. Suddenly, the lantern flames flickered wildly as a cool breeze swirled through the structure. The woman tensed slightly, but made no attempt to prevent the unnatural wind from extinguishing the lanterns. Blackness enveloped her, broken only by the distant lights of Kyoto and the faintest glimmer of a heavily obscured moon. "Lady Ashikawa." The voice was cool, masculine, and directionless. Like the breeze earlier, it came from nowhere and everywhere at once. Nothing -- not sight, not sound, nor spiritual aura -- betrayed the speaker's location. That was only to be expected. The ability to conceal his presence so perfectly was only one of her visitor's formidable array of talents. "Sakurazukamori," she replied in even tones, bowing her head ever so slightly in acknowledgement. Even though he was invisible to her, she was certain that the assassin could see her every motion and gesture. "Your request for this meeting was somewhat unusual, given that your family is traditionally allied with the Sumeragi clan." "I'm grateful that you agreed to speak to me." The male voice replied smoothly, "After all the effort you went through to contact me, how could I refuse? So what can I do for the matriarch of the Ashikawa clan?" Her lips thinned slightly, clearly not deceived by the other's polite words and exquisite courtesy. She knew the dangers of attracting the attention of the shadow assassin, but she had little choice. "I have a simple request. Please listen to what I have to tell you. You may find this information of great interest." "I see. And this information concerns...?" "A potentially serious problem within the Sumeragi clan. Or perhaps it would be better to call it the rumor of a problem. Please understand that I am only repeating the story told to me, and therefore I cannot personally swear to its truth or accuracy." "But you apparently consider it creditable enough and important enough to bring it to my attention. And you do not have a reputation as a frivolous woman." The assassin's words were not meant as a compliment, and she did not make the mistake of taking them as such. She bowed her head again, acknowledging the subtle threat. Put much more bluntly, she had better not be wasting the Sakurazukamori's time, or else. He continued, "The Sumeragi clan guards its privacy jealously. I'm curious to know how you obtained this information." "The informant, Sumeragi Sana, came to me of her own free will, after her warnings were ignored by her own family." Lady Ashikawa shrugged. "We were schoolmates, from long ago." "Warnings? In regard to what?" "Two months ago, she told Lady Sumeragi, the twelfth clan head, that she sensed an evil power hovering about one of the Lady's grandchildren.. Sana expressed concern that the child had somehow become... marked... by some malign influence. However, Lady Sumeragi seemed oddly unsurprised by the information." She paused, evidently expecting a comment, but the assassin said nothing. Lady Ashikawa found the silence curiously unnerving, but after a moment, she continued her story. "Lady Sumeragi informed Sana that the situation would be 'investigated and if necessary, addressed', and that she need not involve herself further in the matter. However, Sana was not satisfied with the Lady's response." "If your informant was concerned with Lady Sumeragi's actions, or lack thereof, the reasonable thing to do would be to speak to the clan elders. Why seek out an outsider's help?" "According to Sana, she tried to discuss her concerns with several senior members of the clan council and found them unreceptive, even hostile. Several of the elders went as far as to accuse her of being... irrational." "Is she irrational?" the Sakurazukamori inquired politely. Lady Ashikawa hesitated, then replied reluctantly, "I will admit that Sana can be somewhat high-strung and emotionally erratic. Also, she has made her resentment of Lady Sumeragi's grandson well known. Sana's own son has some spiritual power, but he certainly cannot match someone of Sumeragi Subaru's abilities." She held up a hand. "However, Sana unquestionably possesses an extraordinary sensitivity to negative spiritual emanations." "A useful talent for a Sumeragi," he commented dryly. "But you still haven't answered my question. Why did she turn to you for help?" "To put it simply, fear. Fear for her own life." "Indeed." "Soon after her conversations with Lady Sumeragi and the clan elders, she became the victim of several suspicious and potentially serious accidents. Falling roof tiles. Chips of glass in her drink and food. A broken step." "Typical low level curse phenomena. Dangerous, but not necessarily lethal. If she's a Sumeragi, she should know the basics of protection." Lady Ashikawa nodded. "She made several attempts to ward herself, but with no success. Sana became convinced that someone in her own family was acting against her, threatening or perhaps even trying to kill her. So she fled the Sumeragi compound and came to me for help." "But her conviction hardly qualifies as proof. During her visit with you, did any suspicious incidents occur?" "No." Her fingers clenched briefly on her kimono. "And when I tried to determine if she had in fact been cursed, I detected nothing unusual. Either there was nothing to detect or...." Or the person responsible was much more skilled and powerful than Lady Ashikawa, who was widely acknowledged as a practitioner of considerable ability. And that meant someone like the Sakurazukamori... or a head of the Sumeragi clan. "When Sana told me all this, I was initially skeptical. All she had was some vague impressions, but no real evidence. I was convinced that she was simply misinterpreting events. I tried to reason with her, but by that time, she had become completely obsessed with proving herself right. After a few days at my home, she left for Tokyo, determined to find proof." "While this story is quite entertaining, I trust that there's more to it than that. So far, all I've heard are the allegations of an emotionally unstable woman who appears to have a persecution complex." Lady Ashikawa retorted, "While Sana's judgment can become skewed by her own prejudices, she does *not* lie. Nor is she stupid or easily deceived. If she says that she detected a wrongness or evil connected with the thirteenth head of the Sumeragi, then she definitely sensed *something*." "You said you didn't believe her story at first. Obviously something has changed your mind," the assassin said. "Six days ago, I received a very disturbing letter from Sana. I think it would be better if you read it yourself." Lady Ashikawa pulled a thick envelope out of her sleeve and placed it on the floor in front of her. A few seconds later, it was gone, whisked away into the shadows by a chill swirl of air. She settled down to wait. Even though it was nearly pitch black, it seemed that the Sakurazukamori had no problems reading Sana's letter. Nearly a half hour passed before the assassin spoke. "How very... interesting." There was another thoughtful pause. "She makes some very serious accusations against members of her own family -- demonic possession, a coverup, corruption, and conspiracy, to name a few." "Sana's research has always been meticulous. Sometimes obsessively so," she said quietly. "So I see from her letter. She claims that the thirteenth head of the Sumeragi clan is possessed, or in imminent danger of being possessed. She further claims that the senior members of the clan are either willfully ignoring the situation and/or actively engaged in concealing it. She goes so far as to hint at even deeper participation. I must admit that she presents a surprisingly persuasive argument." "Is it so incredible? I would think that you, of all people, would not be so easily blinded by the Sumeragi mystique," Lady Ashikawa said sharply. "People have done much worse in order to protect their family's reputation. After all, it would be a serious blow to the Sumeragi prestige if people were to learn that the future clan head was possessed by an evil spirit." "No ordinary evil spirit," he commented dryly. Instead of being offended by her pointed comments, the assassin sounded mildly amused. Regaining her composure, Lady Ashikawa said, "Unfortunately, I have no further proof to offer. On the very day she mailed that letter, Sana died in a fall from the top of a fifteen story building in Shinjuku." "Convenient. Remarkably convenient," the Sakurazukamori murmured. "The timing is certainly suspicious, but obsessed people have been known to kill themselves in order to incriminate others." His voice turned brisk. "It's an interesting story, to be sure, but why tell it to me, of all people?" "Because you are one of the very few who are not influenced, nor intimidated by the Sumeragi. You have no fear of their displeasure. Most people, my family included, do not have that sort of luxury." "Flattery, indeed." "I simply acknowledge a fact. I believe that there is at least some truth to Sana's accusations. But without undeniable proof, I cannot risk an open challenge to the Sumeragi regarding this matter. They are simply too powerful, too influential." "I see." "Yes, I freely admit that Sana's accusations could be the ramblings of an unbalanced, paranoid woman. On the other hand, what if she's right?" She paused briefly for emphasis before continuing. "Despite his youth, the thirteenth head of the Sumeragi is already reputed to be an onmyouji of extraordinary talent and power. Consider what would happen if he becomes possessed by the entity Sana describes in her letter. He might prove to be a threat even to you, Sakurazukamori, to say nothing of the danger a corrupted Sumeragi would pose to everyone else." She folded her hands in her lap, then said, "The Sumeragi proclaim themselves the spiritual protectors of Japan, and I cannot deny that they have performed admirably in that role. But who will protect Japan from the Sumeragi, if necessary? "That is why I have come to you, the Sakurazukamori. You are the Sumeragi's opposite, their counterbalance. Only you have the power to determine the truth of this matter. And if necessary, eliminate the threat." She took a deep breath. "I am not foolish enough to make demands of the Sakurazukamori, nor do I have the resources to hire you. Instead, I must rely on the honor of your clan and most humbly request that the Sakurazukamori uphold and enforce the ancient pacts." Lady Ashikawa put her hands on the floor and bowed deeply, touching her forehead to the wooden planks. She held that acutely vulnerable position, waiting for the assassin's response. One second she was alone in the pavilion. The next second, she felt a hand on the back of her exposed neck. There had been no sound, no hint of movement. For all she knew, he could have been standing right behind her during their entire conversation. Lady Ashikawa gasped and flinched, but otherwise remained frozen. As warm fingers lightly traced the line of her spine, the Sakurazukamori murmured into her ear, "It seems that this meeting has not been a waste of time, Lady. And I thank you for providing such an entertaining story." Before she could draw another shaky breath, the hand was gone, along with the assassin. After several minutes of silence and solitude, she lifted her head and slowly sat up. Her composure shattered, she touched the back of her neck with cold, fumbling fingers. Finding only smooth, unblemished skin, she sighed in profound relief. Unmarked. At least for now, the Sakurazukamori was content to let her live. ------------------------------------------------- As Sakurazuka Seishirou effortlessly guided the powerful sports car along the winding mountain roads back toward Kyoto, he thoughtfully considered the various implications of Lady Ashikawa's story. The woman's approach was certainly interesting, and no doubt intended to pique his interest. To that extent, it had worked. The whole affair could be a trap, of course, set up with or without the Sumeragi clan's cooperation. It wouldn't be the first time that someone tried to ensnare the Sakurazukamori. But this time, he didn't think so. Lady Ashikawa was genuinely worried about the potential for disaster. And if Sumeragi Sana's allegations were true, the lady had good reason for her fears. Under the circumstances, turning to the Sakurazukamori was a logical, if unpleasant choice. However, the lady's motives certainly were not entirely altruistic. Lady Ashikawa was cleverly attempting to shift both the burden of the investigation and the blame for any possible repercussions onto the Sakurazukamori. And even if he revealed the Ashikawa's involvement, he seriously doubted that the Sumeragi clan would believe him. What was the phrase the Americans liked to use? Ah yes, 'plausible deniability'. Lady Ashikawa was a bold woman, no question about it. She was also ambitious. The Ashikawa would not be the first onmyouji clan to resent the Sumeragi's position of prestige and authority. Success often bred envy. It must be frustrating for the lady to see her family constantly overshadowed and dominated by the Sumeragi. Lady Ashikawa's paramount concern might be the threat of corruption within the Sumeragi. But if it happened that the Sumeragi clan should suffer a severe blow to their reputation, or even better, an acutely embarrassing public scandal.... Well, he was certain that Lady Ashikawa would be more than happy to take advantage of the Sumeragi's loss. He admired the sheer audacity of the woman's schemes, but that didn't mean that he was going to allow her to get away with it, of course. Yes, assassins did do other people's dirty work. That was the nature of the business. But they didn't do it for free. The only thing more amusing than Lady Ashikawa's audacity was her blithe invocation of the ancient pacts. True, the woman had a deeper understanding of the Sakurazukamori's role in the spiritual world than most people possessed, even those well versed in the Art. However, she could never fully comprehend the intricate weave of oaths and obligations that bound the Sumeragi and his clan together. In planning her presentation, Lady Ashikawa had assumed, and reasonably so, that the Sakurazukamori would gladly grab the slightest excuse to act against their ancient enemy. But in this case, the assumption was wrong. The destruction of the Sumeragi had never been a goal of his clan. The Sakurazukamori were known as the guardians of the Sakura Burrow. However, his clan held another, equally ancient responsibility, although of a rather different sort. What had his mother said to him in that soft, sweet voice of hers? / Many think that the Sakurazukamori are merely the most ruthless and cold-blooded of killers. But this is only the shallowest part of the truth. / She had cupped a camellia blossom in her bloody fingers, and nuzzled its soft petals. / A few, more insightful individuals realize that the Sumeragi are the hounds who protect this country from spiritual threats, and that the Sakurazukamori are the leash that keeps the Sumeragi from wandering too far astray. But that too is a mere fraction of the truth. / And when he had asked the logical question, she had smiled to him and delicately touched the rough bark of the camellia tree with a blood-stained finger. / The truth is that the Sakurazukamori are the secret caretakers of the Sumeragi clan. Or more precisely, the caretakers of the Sumeragi's purpose. Ours is a twofold task. First, to make certain that the Sumeragi clan remains true to their sworn duty. And second, to ensure that the Sumeragi are capable of carrying that duty out. His mother had twirled so gracefully, the paleness of her kimono and darkness of her hair mingling together in the night breeze. And as she danced, her words formed a sing-song counterpoint. / We create the darkness that make the Sumeragi shine all the more brightly.... / We drive the Sumeragi ever onward to greater accomplishments.... / We remove the Sumeragi's weak, their unfit, their diseased.... / We guide. We entice. We provoke. We punish. We even nurture, if we must. The Sakurazukamori do whatever is necessary to keep the Sumeragi strong and unwavering.... / His mother had stopped in mid-spin and looked directly at him, her eyes bright with mischief. / But like any good gardener or breeder, the Sakurazukamori must know when to leave alone and when to interfere. In this, as in so many things, timing is everything. / And her soft laughter had been like the chiming of silver bells. The assassin smiled at the memory. And what would the proud matriarch of the Sumeragi clan think of such a revelation? What would the formidable old woman do if she ever realized just how much her family owed to its ancient enemy and rival? During his years in college and veterinary school, he had allowed the Sumeragi clan to go its own way. However, circumstances now demanded that he take a more active interest in their activities. He didn't mind. Besides, there was a small matter of an unsettled bet.... As he waited at a red light, he reached into the envelope containing Sana's letter and pulled out a photo. By the glow of the streetlights, he gazed thoughtfully at the blurred, murky image of a dark-haired teenager. General age and hair color were the only details he could make out. Sumeragi Sana was an excellent and meticulous investigator, but she had no talent for photography. He then flipped the picture over. Neatly written on the back was an address in Shinjuku and a name. 'Sumeragi Subaru (13th clan head)' The traffic light changed to green. As he accelerated, he pulled out his cell phone and began making arrangements for an apartment and an animal clinic in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Only time and close observation would reveal the truth of Sumeragi Sana's words. And if her accusations proved true, he would take steps to deal with the situation. Although, perhaps not in the manner Lady Ashikawa expected.... (end prologue) ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------- Keeper of Duo's Dark Side ~~~ Duo no Seishi Saitoh no Koibito ~~~ Corruptor Extraordinaire Keeper of Sei-chan's Godzilla mug ------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:E ------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== The Full Disclaimer All names, likenesses, and rights of Tokyo Babylon and X are trademarks, copyright, and property of CLAMP and legally associated parties. The characters and associated materials of these works are used WITHOUT permission for the purpose of entertainment only. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit. Original portion of the fiction included here is considered to be the sole property and copyrighted to the author. =====================================================================