Last modification date: 08/05/98 TIGER CLAW - summary Part 1: It's just another spring day at the Tendo Dojo. Kuno and Ryoga show up to challenge Ranma in front of all his fiancees AND his mother. The night before, Kuno and Ryoga each received a mysterious female visitor bearing nasty rumors, magical gifts, and promises of victory. But as they start their duel with Ranma this day, it becomes painfully clear that Kuno and Ryoga are merely pawns in someone's convoluted game as a powerful sorceress called Yonoko weaves her dark spells. The duel quickly becomes bloodier and much more vicious than anyone could have possibly imagined as the true power of the Neko-ken is revealed in all its terrifying glory. ------------------------- Part 2: The fight is over but who will pick up the pieces? Ryoga and Kuno are packed off to the hospital. While Akane has her hands full trying to deal with Ranma, Nabiki does her best to sort out the chaos from the morning's battle. Several serious confrontations occur between various people -- wife against husband, mother against son, fiancee against fiancee.... Some people manage to accept what's happened to Ranma while others are in severe denial. Nabiki and Ranma have an emotional and surprisingly candid discussion about the current situation. ------------------------- Part 3: Ranma's battle with Kuno and Ryoga has been ruthlessly engineered by a mysterious entity known only as Ebon of the Shadows. However, the ultimate purpose of the scheme is far from clear. In the meantime, Shampoo and Ukyo both have a great deal of thinking to do about their respective relationships with Ranma. Shampoo has even more trouble awaiting her -- a vicious, renegade Amazon cousin who 'conveniently' decides to visit Nerima this day. Nabiki warns Akane about her bad habits regarding Ranma. As evening falls, Ranma undergoes some obvious -- and some not so obvious -- changes as the darkness of night brings storm, fire, and mayhem for more than one person. ------------------------- Part 4: The next morning, Ukyo becomes acquainted with Yuri, the person who rescued her from a mysterious cat-like attacker the night before. Ranma and Akane have a somewhat intimate morning encounter. However, the cozy interlude is cut short by unpleasant news about Ranma's parents. Kodachi receives a mysterious package. Ryoga and Kuno are still suffering the aftereffects of their fight with Ranma's considerably enhanced Neko-ken. Ranma, Akane and Nabiki head to the hospital to consult Dr. Tofu as they look for more information about the Neko-ken. However, they are left with more questions than answers. The only thing certain is that Ebon's dark magic has wrought both obvious and subtle changes in Ranma. Kasumi encounters an unbelievably cute visitor. ------------------------- Part 5: One of Ranma's worst rivals appears in Nerima. After their visit to the hospital, Ranma and Akane head off to Ukyo's restaurant where they encounter Yuri and find out about Ukyo's mysterious attacker. Kodachi shows up but Ranma deals with her in an unexpected fashion. Shampoo also shows up, looking for Mousse. After hearing about Shampoo's cousin Dan Xin, Ranma and Akane set out to help find Mousse. In the meantime, Yuri finally tells Ukyo her real reasons for visiting Nerima. ------------------------- Part 6: While out searching for Mousse, Ranma and Akane run into Dan Xin and some of her fighters. During the ensuing battle, Dan Xin makes a serious mistake and Akane gets slightly injured. Ranma retaliates violently. Cologne's appearance causes Dan Xin to retreat. At the Neko-hanten, Ranma and Akane talk about the previous day's events and Shampoo tells her great grandmother about her decision to give up on Ranma. Banished from the Neko-hanten, Shampoo moves in with the Tendos. Back at the dojo, Ranma runs into Tarou. The unfortunate appearance of a small black cat during their heated argument nearly sets off a catastrophic string of events. -------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:E