Madamhydra's Lair > Dreambook > Archives > Guestbook Archive 5 (of 5) |
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Name: : Yuanyan |
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Comments: : Man... I'm surprise! You actually moved and added A NEW FF9 WEB PAGE!!But... anyway, at least you updated the site. Wish you good luck. ^__^ |
Name: : Hilary Bean |
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Comments: : I really like your fanfics. The plots (in your Gundam stories, especially) are so original. I hope you continue writing, and write quickly, at that! |
Name: : Caroltrue |
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Comments: : Oh my moved the site coool! And wow, a FFIX page. You've been busy. Great site. Thanx for the brilliant storys....yoour a great writer. Later! |
Name: : MIstress_Kyuuketsuki |
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Comments: : WAH! Oh great one, you've moved! Now go and finish your Gundam Wing fics (especially Dominion Road)!!! Not to mention your original yaoi fics... Well, I absolutely love your fics and simply cannot wait for the upcoming parts! Once more, I bow to you. |
Name: : Rennuian |
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Comments: : ooo! pwetty site, wonderful fics!!! More, please! =^-^= Favourite would be the ff7 stories, followed by RK and then GW. |
Name: : Fancy0523 |
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Comments: : I just love your GW fanfics! Keep up the good work (update them soon, please--you're killing me:)!) |
Name: : Ami |
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Comments: : I love your Kenshin fanfics! please, please, please finish the long one- you ended right at the good part (well, one of them). Great stories! |
Name: : laura |
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Comments: : I love your Kenshin fics-please post more of That Which Lingers soon-I'm dying to find out what will happen! |
Name: : Kelvin Jin |
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Comments: : If it is not too much to ask for, Please go on with your FF7 fanfic. It is torture to have to wait while you write the next part. It is so good!!I have not read any other better fanfic other then 'a mist over winhill' by Kate Lorraine. |
Name: : Anya Lockton |
Email: : Orcasita20008 |
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Comments: : I love your stories and hope that you up date them soon! |
Name: : Imagoddess2u2 |
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URL: : none yet |
Comments: : This has got to be my favorite site. I love all the GundamWing fics here. There's only 1 problem... they need to be updated! Please! I wanna read the rest of them really really badly... Other than that... site's great! Keep up the good work! ^_^ |
Name: : Ashley |
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Comments: : You seem to get nothing but praise for your stories in this guest book, and this message is no different. I simply love all of your Gundam Wing fics, as well as your Final Fantasy stories. Keep up the awsome work! |
Name: : shinigami |
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Comments: : These are the ultimate BEST fics I have ever read in my whole life. Keep it up! I really really really want to know what happens to the g-boys in Mechanics of Control: Wicked Game! I loved that fic sooooooooooo much I even dreamnt about it. Well see ya la |
Name: : Kelsea Jewell |
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Comments: : Dear Madame Hydra; I have been reading and immensely enjoying your adaptation of Ruoni Kenshin into your Nightwitch world in the series "That Which Lingers." I am not usually a devotee of fanfic, but yours is not only interesting and credible but also |
Name: : princess |
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Comments: : hello there!!! =) i'm a big kenshin fanatic n i happened to stumble upon ur website by sheer luck. =) i was like... whoa!!! =) hehe ;) i was reading it n i must ask... did u really jus come up w/ these stories?... cuz they're really good. at first i actua |
Name: : Kristen |
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Comments: : Every single good thing seems to have been said by all your other now what? GIMME MORE RK STORIES! *ahem* Sorry, to put it in a more diplomatic way, I really enjoy your odd twists and plots. I can't imagine the amount of time you put on this |
Name: : Yuki |
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Comments: : Oh! I've just got finished reading what I could find of That Which Lingers, it's fabulous and I can't wait till there's more of it! |
Name: : Beraity |
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Comments: : PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR FANFICS, especially "that which lingers" and "conflicts of interest", PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am begging you!!! |
Name: : Fah |
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Comments: : Love your final fantasy fanfics. =) |
Name: : Dark Lady |
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Comments: : Just dropped by to say I love your site! It's great! I love the Darker Side of Duo Maxwell Section, not to mention Closer is one of my all time favorite songs. Keep up the marvelous work! Take Care! |
Name: : Tara-Chan |
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Comments: : Hi! Luv ya site! Luv ya fics also! Keep it up! Tara-chan |
Name: : josh walters |
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Comments: : cool |
Name: : lilygurl |
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Comments: : please please please please please update your Ranma 1/2 fic...i can't wait to read another part. |
Name: : Katrina |
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Comments: : I absolutely adore your site! Your was about the first darkfic site I really liked, and so after finishing all of Rose Argent's I came back and now I'm rereading them all over again!!! Dominion Road and Mechanics of Control in the GUdnam Wing: Obsidian Sh |
Name: : Da |
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Comments: : Love the site and can't wait for more fics. |
Name: : quatre's grl |
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URL: : sorwee, cant tell yah |
Comments: : i have um..... no comments!?i havent prepared a speech.. ahahahahahahah..anyway ill just say whats on my mind.. um eh ah um its pretty hard to think hard.. oh yeah..i love quatre..geez that wasnt so hard..... good job.. and keep up the very good wo |
Name: : Dulzura |
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URL: : None of your interest. |
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Name: : Duo_the_Relena_liker |
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Comments: : Love it! I absolutely love the fic Muddled Waters! I can't wait for part 5! PLEEEAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! update it!!!!!!!!! The storyline is so original and well-thoughtup I can't stop thinking about it! I want more of it! |
Name: : Solo |
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Comments: : Your page is so awesome and I love your gundam wing fanfics and art. Keep on writing! |
Name: : Ju_youko |
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Comments: : Hey! Updates! please! Please! I love you fanfics, but you take so long to update that I have to read the fic all again because I forget it! Don't do this to me! Update! |
Name: : myuka |
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Comments: : this is a nice site its really cool! |
Name: : Isis |
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Comments: : HELLO!!! ^.^v hehehe... naka-sign na rin akoh!!! gagawa na ako ng yaoi/hentai/yuri site! MFWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *choke*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! sige, hi na lang sa mga kuya mo! Ja! |
Name: : Ashley Cornish |
Email: : |
URL: : none |
Comments: : I like your site. Too bad people hadn't found it. Good Luck in the future and don't give up!!! Ashley Cornish P.S E-mail me if you have any thing new about Duo Maxwell at |
Name: : Dreamer |
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Comments: : hey supie Yoshi? i dunno i just wanted to drop by the page with your fic's kinda hard to find your db ones but it's all good hope your doin fine -Jonny |
Name: : Amy |
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Comments: : I love your GW fanfics (and my sister too!)Especially Muddled Waters and Double Vision (My sister always ask me if you had updated DV or not) These are very good fanfics! Keep up the nice job! |
Name: : Amara |
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Comments: : Hi, Just some praise for your awesome stories and a little encouragement to continue a few of them. I would absolutely love to see more of the GW/Highlander crossovers. They happen to be 2 of my fave shows and I find the prospect of their mergence quite |
Name: : Lori |
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Comments: : MadamHydra, please marry me. I will build a well-furnished room with a large four-posted bed and as many bean bags as you wish. You can write fanfiction for me while I peel grapes and worship the dust that settles upon your toenails. |
Name: : Caroline |
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Comments: : I worship your incredible talent in the manipulation of words. I need more of your GW fics to make me whole. Please humor your humble servant. |
Name: : Sharon M. |
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Comments: : I really like your site and your stories. I especially enjoyed your GW and Final Fantasy fics. I hope you continue them, soon. :) |
Name: : Solo Kitsune |
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Comments: : Great GW fics, as always! Keep up the good work! Ja! -Solo K. |
Name: : Jiyu |
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Comments: : I LOVE your site!! i especially was amazed at how good the fics were. Pleeze keep updating!! The pics are awesome too! |
Name: : Nikita |
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Comments: : I absolutely adore "The Other Side". I've never thought of it like that! I can't wait to read more from you, so I hope you update soon! ^_^ |
Name: : Joanna vanOorschot |
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Name: : UbastisSekhmet |
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Comments: : A truely beautiful page keep up the great work on Gundam Wing. Absolutely love the stories...please finish them sometime. The world either needs more writers like you or more of your writing. |
Name: : Shinigami1220 |
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Comments: : I love this site! Madam Hydra is such a great writer!!! |
Name: : MoonGlow |
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Comments: : Hmm..i know a LOT of people have said this, and i realize u are probaly a very busy person..but PLEASE update soon!(Hint: COI, please!) It is very frustrating waiitng so long and not knowing if you are even writing the story least tell us tha |
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Page modified on: Tue, Apr 1, 2003 |