Ranma & Company discover an ominous aspect to the Neko-ken when a mysterious sorceress appears in Nerima and sets a complex series of plots into motion. At the same time, a young woman also arrives in the city intent on pursuing her own personal mission.
Old enemies return and long hidden secrets are revealed as Ranma soon finds himself exploring the shadow within his soul and its dark seductive power.
The obvious enemy is not necessarily the real enemy.
Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.
Cats and serpents do not mix.
Relatives are HELL.
SUMMARY of Parts 1-6
Part 1: No More Pussyfooting Around (94 K)
Part 2: Damage Control (64 K)
Part 3: Harbingers of the Storm (91 K)
Part 4: Visitations (83 K)
Part 5: Darkening Hearts: Part I (82 K)
Part 6: Darkening Hearts: Part II (77 K)
Part 7
Teaser 1 - 04/08/1999 (15 K)
a snippet focusing on Yuri and Kuno
Teaser 2 - 02/02/2000 (43 K)
an intense private talk between Ranma and Akane