Madamhydra's Lair > Image Gallery > GW Fanart: Chiaroscuro Light

Fanart: COI/NWT - Yaoi - GW Light - GW Dark || Scans: 1 - 2 - misc

NEW - Nov 17, 2003

posted 2 previously released fics

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Ranma 1/2:

Tiger Claw

Final Fantasy VII:

Conflicts of Interest

Alter Ego

Final Fantasy IX:

Tree and Crystal

Heart and Soul
Weiß Kreuz:

The Black Dream


Addicted to Love

Tokyo Babylon / X:

A Necessary Evil

Gundam Wing:

Darker Side of
Duo Maxwell

Obsidian Shadows

Mechanics of Control

Lighter Shades

Dark Side Synthesis

Dark Side Miscellany

Rurouni Kenshin:

The Nightwitch Tales

That Which Lingers


Fanfic Menagerie

Gravitation, Angel Sanctuary, Yami no Matsuei

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COI/NWT | yaoi

GW Fanart:
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1 | 2 | misc


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Gundam Wing

Darker Side of Duo Maxwell
Chiaroscuro Light - GW fanart

chiaroscuro - n. the arrangement of light and dark elements in a pictorial work of art.

The terrific artwork created by readers of my GW fics.
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WARNING - Viewer discretion advised

These images may contain the following themes:
   MATURE subject matter (sexual situations, etc);
   YAOI or SHONEN-AI (male/male relationships).

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=====Maxwell's Demon=====

Maxwell's Little Demon

(1) 85 K

Maxwell's Demon (Banner)

(2) 51 K

Shadow of Shinigami

(3) 110 K


(1) "Maxwell's Little Demon" by Kitsune
(2) "Maxwell's Demon (Banner)" by Seiko
(3) "Shadow of Shinigami" by Spade


Maxwell's Demon & Heero's Angel

(4) 104 K

Duo Nouveau

(5) 85 K

The God of Death

(6)  120 K


(4) "Maxwell's Demon & Heero's Angel" by Nikuro
(5) "Duo Nouveau" by Kitsune
(6) "The God of Death" by Kineko


Angry Heero

(7) 112 K

 Caring Arms

(8) 94 K

 Heero Pouncing

(9) 139 K


(7) "Angry Heero" by MayleneJenius
(8) "Caring Arms" by MayleneJenius 
(9) "Heero Pouncing" by MayleneJenius


Maxwell's Demon

(10) 112 K

 Duo Demon

(11) 265 K



(10) Maxwell's Demon by [artist unknown]
(11) Duo Demon by Bobomaniac


=====Double Vision=====

Mirror World Images

(1) 101 K

Mirror World Images

(2) 35 K

Warped Mirror

(3) 35 K


(1) "Mirror World Images" by Heero Yuy
(2) "Freaky Duo" by Mandy
(3) "Warped Mirror" by Jenni


Double Vision

(4) 92 K



(4) "Double Vision" by Zillah


=====Muddled Waters=====

New Arrivals

(1) 48 K

Duo & Shin

(2) 42 K


(3) 66 K


(1) "New Arrivals" by Dtarth
(2) "Duo & Shin" by Dtarth
(3) "Frills" by Dtarth


Neko Dorothy

(4) 43 K

Sex Kitten Doro-chan

(5) 33 K


(6) 81 K


(4) "Neko Dorothy" by nova
(5) "Sex Kitten Doro-chan" by Madamblu
(6) "Duo-chan" by empress venus


untitled Muddled Water picture

(7) 93 K

Duo Onna

(8) 14 K

Muddled Water

(9) 81 K


(7) (untitled) by Wild Wing
(8) "Duo Onna" by [artist unknown]
(9) "Muddled Water" by PureLove16


 Muddled Waters 1

(10) 41 K

Muddled Waters 2

(11) 258 K

Girl Duo

(12) 88 K


(10) "Muddled Waters" by Stormy
(11) "Muddled Waters" by Stormy
(12) "Girl Duo" by NewHalo2



(13) 47 K


(14) 40 K


(15) 64 K


(13) NEW "Dorothy-neko" by Nezumi
(14) NEW "Duo-girl" by Nezumi
(15) NEW "Wufei-ryuu" by Nezumi


Girl Duo

(16) 65 K

Heero and Duo

(17) 108 K


(16) NEW "Girl Duo" by Mai
(17) NEW "Heero and Duo" by Mai


=====Once and Forever=====

Rurouni Duo

(1) 74 K


(1) "Rurouni Duo" by Nikichan


=====miscellaneous GW fanart=====

Duo Angel

(1) 41 K

Attack of the Chibi GW Muses

(1) 97 K

Happy chibi Duo

(3) 21 K


(1) "Duo Angel" by Hachi Mitsu
(2) "Attack of the Chibi GW Muses" by Nikoru
(3) "Happy Duo" by Here be Tigers



(4) 44 K

Little Grim Reaper

(5) 26 K

Chibi at Work

(6) 90 K


(4) "Rage" by Here be Tigers
(5) "Little Grim Reaper" by Stormy 
(6) NEW "Chibi at Work" by Stormy


Chibi Shinigami

(7) 15 K

Duo in Vest

(8) 12 K


(7) "Chibi Shinigami" by quack8
(8) NEW "Duo in Vest" by Nikoru






Ranma 1/2, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Rurouni Kenshin, Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing, Weiß Kreuz, Gensomaden Saiyuki characters and images are the property of and copyrighted by their respective creators, distributors, and legally associated parties. Used without permission.


Content updated on:   Jun 8, 2002

Page modified on: Sun, Apr 13, 2003